Fatima was brought confused


Mapa Mental sobre Fatima was brought confused, criado por Fatima Alkhateeb em 03-03-2019.
Fatima Alkhateeb
Mapa Mental por Fatima Alkhateeb, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Fatima Alkhateeb
Criado por Fatima Alkhateeb aproximadamente 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Fatima was brought confused
  1. Causes of confusion
    1. Critical
      1. Shock and hypoxia
        1. Hypoglycemia
          1. Head infections
            1. Hypertensive encephalopathy
      2. Emergent
        1. Metabolic diseases
          1. Hepatic encephalopathy/failure
            1. Sepsis
              1. Drugs and poisons
      3. Insulin
        1. Insulin activation
          1. Insulin secretion mechanism
          2. Diabetes
            1. Types
              1. Physical examination
                1. Skin
                  1. Eyes
                    1. Feet assessment
                      1. Weight
                      2. Blood pressure
                    2. Investigations
                      1. Blood glucose : fasting glucose >126, Postprandial >200
                        1. HbA1C (glaciated hemoglobin)
                          1. Ketone testing
                            1. Urine for glucosurea and ketonurea
                        2. Complications
                          1. Small blood vessels
                            1. Hyaline arteriosclerosis
                              1. Efferent blood vessels
                                1. Nephrotic syndrome
                                2. Afferent blood vessels
                                  1. glomerulosclerosis
                                    1. Chronic renal failure
                                3. Osmotic damage PK-C pathway
                                  1. Schwann cells
                                    1. Loss of myelin in PNS
                                      1. Neuropathies
                                    2. lens
                                      1. Cataract
                                      2. Pericytes
                                        1. aneurysms
                                          1. Hemorrhage
                                            1. Blindness
                                      3. Management
                                        1. Biguanides
                                          1. GLP-1 receptor agonists
                                            1. DPP-4 inhibitors
                                              1. SGLT-2 inhibitors
                                              2. Sulfonylureas
                                              3. Insulin
                                                1. Alpha glucosidase inhibitors
                                      4. Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state
                                        1. A serious condition caused by extremely high blood sugar levels.
                                          1. Causes
                                            1. Illness or infection.
                                              1. Not following a diabetes treatment plan
                                                1. Certain medications
                                              2. Labs
                                                1. Hyperglycemia.
                                                  1. Increase serum osmolality
                                                    1. No acidosis


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