France's Solution to ageing population


Mapa Mental sobre France's Solution to ageing population, criado por Shamil Jeeawoody em 27-11-2014.
Shamil Jeeawoody
Mapa Mental por Shamil Jeeawoody, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Shamil Jeeawoody
Criado por Shamil Jeeawoody aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

France's Solution to ageing population
  1. Dependency ratio
    1. The balance between people who are independent and those who depend on them. There ideally should be fewer dependant than independent people.
    2. Incentives for couples to have children:
      1. Three years of paid maternity leave
        1. Can be used by mothers and fathers
        2. full-time schooling starts at the age of there, this is fully paid by the gvernment
          1. Day care for children under there subsided by the government
            1. The more children a woman has, the earlier she can retire on full pension
            2. France tackling ageing population with strong pro-natal policy
              1. Encourages people to have more children to produce a more favourable age structure and dependency ratio


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