Consumer Studies


Consumer Study Chapter 15 & 16
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Resumo de Recurso

Consumer Studies
  1. A consumer - Someone who buys or uses goods or services
    1. Needs - essential goods & services
      1. Wants - non esential goods & services
        1. Take aways, cars, designer jewellery
        2. Food, clothes, shelter
      2. What influences consumer decisions
        1. Money
          1. peer pressure
            1. fashion trends
              1. advertising
                1. personal values
                  1. Impulse buying
                    1. buying things on the spur of the moment without thinking
                      1. often bad buys
                        1. regret - buyers remorse
                  2. Factors to consider when buying a product
                    1. Do I need it
                      1. Money
                        1. Fit for purpose
                          1. Quality
                            1. After sales service
                              1. Guarantee/warranty
                                1. Value
                                  1. Durability
                                    1. Design
                                      1. Safety
                                        1. Brand Name
                                          1. Environmentally friendly
                                            1. Maintenance
                                              1. Size & Comfort
                    2. Sources of consumer information
                      1. Magazines
                        1. Internet
                          1. Bill Boards
                            1. Leaflets/Brochures/Posters
                              1. Newspapers
                                1. Word of mouth
                      2. Consumer Rights
                        1. the right to choice
                          1. the right to quality
                            1. the right to info
                              1. thr right to redress
                                1. the right safety
                        2. Consumer Responsibilities
                          1. Be well informed about product
                            1. examine product & services
                              1. Read instructions/labels/warning signs
                                1. shop around for value for money
                          2. Consumer Law
                            1. Consumers are protected in 3 ways
                              1. Law
                                1. The sale of goods & supply of services act 1980
                                  1. Merchantable quaity
                                    1. fit for purpose
                                      1. Be as described
                                        1. Correspond to samples
                                    2. Services must be
                                      1. done with care
                                        1. Carried out by skilled person
                                          1. Good quality materials
                                    3. Consumer information Act 1978
                                      1. Info on claims must be true
                                        1. Advertisements must be true
                                          1. False claims about price of goods are illegal
                                    4. Government Organisations
                                      1. Voluntary Orgaisations
                                    5. Contract
                                      1. When you buy something you enter into a contract with the shopkeeper
                                      2. Guarantee
                                        1. A promise made to you by the manufacturer of the goods


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