Ser vs Estar


Mapa Mental sobre Ser vs Estar, criado por suhyoungzzang em 11-12-2014.
Mapa Mental por suhyoungzzang, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por suhyoungzzang aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Ser vs Estar
  1. Ser
    1. Permanent characteristics
      1. Origin, nationality, profession
        1. Indicate possession (to whom an object belongs to)
          1. When/where something takes place *this particular event will not happen somewhere else again*
            1. Hint* When confused with when to use ser or estar, we can look for “de” in the sentence, and use ser *
              1. Component (what something is made out of)
              2. Estar
                1. Location *temporary*
                  1. Feelings or Emotion *this is temporary,not permanent-it does not last forever, and it does not indicate that person you are describing have this feeling/emotion permanently*
                    1. Progressive *the form is usually estar + -ando (-ar ending verbs), or estar + -iendo (-er/-ir ending verbs) when using present participles*
                      1. Hint* When confused with when to use ser or estar, we can look for “en” in the sentence and use estar *
                      2. Some adjectives that changes meanings -Some adjectives change their meanings depending on whether they are used with ser or estar
                        1. Abierto - Estar: to be open, Ser: to be frank, communicative
                          1. Callado- Estar: to be quiet, Ser: to be naturally quiet
                            1. Viejo- Estar: to be getting old, Ser: to be old
                              1. Despierto- Estar: to be awake, Ser: to be bright, smart
                                1. Listo- Estar: to be ready, Ser: to be smart, clever
                                  1. Loco- Estar: to be acting crazy, Ser: to be certifiably crazy
                                    1. Nuevo- Estar: to be like new, Ser: to be brand new
                        2. Hint * we can see that when using estar, the adjectives indicate that it is mostly temporary, and ser is mostly permanent *


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