Dual Characterisation


Mapa Mental sobre Dual Characterisation, criado por Martha Graham-Fitzpatrick em 30-04-2019.
Martha Graham-Fitzpatrick
Mapa Mental por Martha Graham-Fitzpatrick, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Martha Graham-Fitzpatrick
Criado por Martha Graham-Fitzpatrick quase 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Dual Characterisation
  1. Gar Public
    1. Uncommunicative
      1. Couldn't ask Senator Doogan for permission to marry Kate
        1. Cannot communicate with SB
          1. silence
          2. Finds it easier to communicate with the women in his life such as Madge and Kate
            1. structure
          3. Represses emotions
            1. Will not show his sadness to SB or Madge, covers it up with enthusiasm for leaving
              1. music - Philadelphia here I come
              2. Hides insecurity by becoming defensive
                1. tone
              3. Immature
                1. Unrealistic expectations of life in America
                  1. repetition
                  2. Impractical plans for him and Kate
                2. Gar Private
                  1. Childish
                    1. Playful character, shown through accent and stage directions
                      1. Plays with Madge and is shown to be a mischievous character
                        1. stage directions
                          1. characterisation
                        2. Confident
                          1. More sure of himself than Public
                            1. A mocking character
                              1. tone
                                1. humour
                                2. More entertaining than Public
                                  1. Mocks Public and creates humour through irony and stage directions
                              2. Idealistim and Escapism
                                1. Both create imaginary scenes eg. "Abandon ships! Make for the lifeboats!"
                                  1. excitable tone
                                  2. Conveys what he believes the US to be like
                                    1. "The biggest chain of the biggest hotels in the world"
                                      1. repetition
                                    2. This is a coping mechanism for his dissatisfaction with his current life in Ballybeg


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