
Mapa Mental sobre THE MONERAN,PROTIST AND FUNGUS KINGDOM, criado por Natalia Rodriguez Pino em 03-05-2019.
Natalia Rodriguez Pino
Mapa Mental por Natalia Rodriguez Pino, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Natalia Rodriguez Pino
Criado por Natalia Rodriguez Pino quase 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

    1. It includes unicelular organisms like for example bacterias and cianobacterias
      1. The organisms from this kingdom share the same characteristics
        1. The cells which form their body are tiny and can be seen only through a microscope
          1. It has a celular wall which involves the plasmatic membrane that contains the citoplasm
            1. Inside the citoplasm there are ribosomes which make proteins.Theyare without mitocondrias and cloroplasts
              1. They can have flagellum or fimbrias for moving
                1. The vital functions from MONERAN kingdom
                  1. NUTRITION:Their nutrition can be autotrophic which is divided in photosynthetic or chemyosinthetic(they make their own food),or heterotrophic that is divided in parasitic bacteria,(obtain energy but are harmful for they host),symbiotic,(they both benefit) and saprophytic,(obtain energy from organic matter)
                    1. They don't have sensory organs
                      1. Their reproduction is asexual by bipartition
                    2. Why bacterias and cianobacterias are important ?
                      1. They keep the development of ecosystems
                        1. They decompose organic matter,so they recycle matter for the ecosystems
                        2. They make beneficous asociations
                          1. They can produce some deseases,but they are (most of the times) good for our health
                      2. Monera's represents have different shapes and sizes.
                        1. Bacterias
                          1. Cynobacterias
                        2. PROTOCTIST'S KINGDOM:
                          1. Unicelular and pluricellular living things such as eucariot cells.The pluricellular organisms of this kingdom don't have diferenciated tissues
                            1. Protoctist's organisms can be autotrophic such as algaes,or heterotrophic like protozoos
                              1. Algaes are eucariotic and autotrophic organisms that can be unicellular or pluricellular
                                1. Their cells usually contain a cellular wall on the outside of the plasmatic membrane and in the citoplasm there are:
                                  1. Ribosomes,mitocondrias,vacuols and chloroplasts
                                    1. Unicellular algaes don't need to have a cellular wall always
                                      1. They usually can move thanks to flagels or they can squirm too
                                      2. Pluricellular algae's cells always contain a cellular wall which keeps their corporal structure
                                        1. Most of these types of algae can't move.
                                        2. Algae's vital functions:
                                          1. Their nutrition can be autotrophic photosynthetic thanks to the clorofile they contain
                                            1. They have relation-ships for stimulating with such as for example the sun's light for the one they respond depending of the growing they have depending ot the seasons of the yer or to the salinity.They can answer with a movement which goes forwards and backwords.
                                              1. They have asexual reproduction by fragmentation or spores,but they can have sexual reproduction too through gamets
                                        3. Algae's clasification
                                          1. Green algaes: Acuatic ,fresh-water,unicellular or pluricellular
                                            1. Importances of algaes for live:They can produce organic matter from inorganic and they can produce too oxygen for all living things
                                              1. They keep ecosystems.
                                                1. They are used for human nutrition
                                                  1. From them you can get products for the industry
                                                    1. DID YOU KNOW?:Algaes are very important for our live,but there are some type of algaes that are harmful for our health because they produce the red tides,which are tides of a red colour that are toxic for all animals and for us too.
                                                  2. Brown algaes:Acuatic,pluricellular and the biggest size between all algaes
                                                    1. Red algaes:Acuatic and pluricellular.It isn't usual to see this type of algaes in freshwater or them to be unicellular.
                                                  3. Protoctists are eucariot organisms,generally unicellular organisms.
                                                    1. Their cells can present:
                                                      1. Ribosomes
                                                        1. Mitochondrias
                                                          1. Vacuoles
                                                          2. They can usually move ,and that is thanks to cilium,flagels or pseudupodia.
                                                            1. Protist's vital functions:
                                                              1. They have and hetrotrophic nutrition,some of them are preadtors,and others are detritivores (scavengers).
                                                                1. They react to temperature changes,luminous intensity,salinity etc by movements
                                                                  1. Their reproduction can be asexual by bipartition or pluripartition(two identical daughter cells),or by sexual reproduction where the conjugation is performed by two inviduals which make a temporal union for getting a copy of their genetic material.
                                                            2. Protoctist's classification:
                                                              1. Ciliated protozoos:They move with cilium ,such as paramecium
                                                                1. Flagellates:They move with flagels, such as trichomonas
                                                                  1. Rhizopods:They move with pseudopodia ,such as ameba
                                                                    1. Sporozoa:They cannot move, such as Plasmodiom which produces malaria
                                                            3. FUNGUS KINGDOM:
                                                              1. It includes eucariotic and heterotrophic organisms that can be pluricellular or unicellular.Their cells have a cellular wall of a variated composition
                                                                1. Fungies cannot move.
                                                                  1. The pluricellular fungie's bodies is formed by some thin tubes known as hyphas,and in set,they form the mycelium
                                                                    1. Mushrooms are spores productor organs created after some pluricellular fungies reproduce.
                                                                      1. Unicellular fungies usually have a round shape
                                                                    2. Vital functions from Fungie's kingdom
                                                                      1. Their nutrition is heterotrophic and can be divided into saprohytes,parasites or symbiotic
                                                                        1. They can react to humidity and to disolve substances from the environment
                                                                          1. Their reproduction can be asexual by gemmation in unicellular living beings and through spores the rest.Sexual reproduction can be produced too by the formation of sexual cells,or by the union of different hyfas and different nucleous.
                                                                            1. Some other types of fungies...
                                                                              1. Yeast
                                                                                1. Are unicellular and they decompose organic substances by fermentation
                                                                                2. Moulds
                                                                                  1. Are pluricellular and their hyfas gro up above organic matter decomposing it
                                                                                  2. Fungies that form mushrooms
                                                                                    1. Are pluricellular and they decompose the forest's leaf litter, so in autumn or spring, they produce mushroooms
                                                                                      1. Why are fungies so important?
                                                                                        1. Are important for the performance of terrestrial ecosystems and too for our economy
                                                                                          1. They mantein the performance of terrestrial ecosystems:A lot of fungies decompose the forest's organic matter and they form an asociation known as mycorrhiza where the plant gives to the fungi organic matter , and then the fungi helps the plant in it's nutrition giving to it water and mineral salts
                                                                                            1. They're used for the human nutrition: Examples:We produce beer,and wine with the yeast,nd the fungie's mushrooms are always used as human food
                                                                                              1. They produce antibiotics:For example,Alexander Fleming discovered the first antibiotic while he was working with some moulds from the Penicillium gender,so it's very important because the fungi produces that the bacterias which are around it to disappear
                                                                                                1. VIRUSES
                                                                                                  1. They're acellular living things because they don't have the usual cell structure .They present genetic material, but they don't have citoplasm and organuls.
                                                                                                    1. Viruse's characteristics
                                                                                                      1. Their geneti material can be of ADN or of ARN,other type of nucleic acid
                                                                                                        1. A layer of proteins known as capsid which goes around and protects the genetic material
                                                                                                          1. Some of them have a membranous wrap which goes arond the capsid
                                                                                                            1. Viruse's vital functions:
                                                                                                              1. Their main function is reproduction,because they don´t need nutrition,so that's the main function they need to do for getting their genetic material inside living thing's cells
                                                                                                                1. Their reproduction cycle includes the following periods
                                                                                                                  1. 1. The virus binds to the cellular membrane
                                                                                                                    1. 2. The whole virus or the genetic material are introduced inside the cell
                                                                                                                      1. 3. The cell follows the information of the genetic material of the virus and reproduceds it's nucleic acids and the capsid's protein
                                                                                                                        1. 4. When they form the viral components,they create more viruses that are released and can produce the destruction of the parasitized cell
                                                                                                                        2. However the viruse's reproduction is harmful for all the living things because they produce diseases such as AIDS,flu,measles...
                                                                                                                          1. Because of this we prevent all these diseases produced by viruses using vaccinations.

                                                                                          Anexos de mídia


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