Unemployment and poverty


World Expo Germany mind map
Timothy Li
Mapa Mental por Timothy Li, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Timothy Li
Criado por Timothy Li quase 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Unemployment and poverty
  1. Where?
    1. This problem takes place in Berlin, the capital city of Germany
    2. How long?
      1. Poverty
        1. In 2006, the poverty rate was very low. However, in the following years, as the GDP rose, so did the poverty rate
        2. Unemployment
          1. In 2008, the unemployment rate was at 3.4. However, in the following years, the unemployment rate has decreased gradually.
        3. Why?
          1. Poverty
            1. Although there are less unemployed people in Berlin, studies show that many people aren’t being paid enough. In 2017, about 19% of the population were at risk of poverty.
            2. Unemployed
              1. For the past few years, the rate of the employed have been raised. The chief of the Federal Employment Agency Detlef Scheele told the German Press Agency that the only problem is that there are a lack of skilled workers
                1. I think this is because people don’t have a good education so they can find work.
              2. Who is involved?
                1. Directly
                  1. The people who are unemployed and poor because they are the problem.
                  2. Indirectly
                    1. The people that have good education because when there is more unemployed people, that means that there are more jobs for them.
                      1. Their families would also be affected and the population could decline because the women don’ t have enough money to give birth, or their children don’t get enough nutrition.
                    2. Who thinks this is a problem?
                      1. I think many people think this is a problem, including Chancellor Merkel because I didn’t find a single website that disagreed with Unemployment and Poverty as a problem.
                        1. Who disagrees?
                          1. I didn’t find any websites that disagreed with the problem but I think all the people with good jobs and lots of money wouldn’t care whether there are a lot of poor people.
                        2. What has been done?
                          1. Unemployment
                            1. Chancellor Angela Merkel has said that youth unemployment is the greatest problem of all. Alas, she has tested on-the-shop-floor work experience in a classroom.
                            2. Poverty
                              1. The government has tried raising the minimum wage. Yet, it will not be enough to lower the rate of people living in poverty
                            3. what has been changed?
                              1. improved/solved
                                1. Many people who live in poverty have no access to electricity because they didn't pay their electric bills. Therefore, the German Green Party have proposed an electricity cost allowance so that the people who live in poverty can still access electricity.
                                  1. There also are less unemployed now
                                  2. same/worse
                                    1. Even though there are fewer people unemployed, they still aren’t being paid enough to live out of poverty.
                                  3. Solutions
                                    1. Poverty
                                      1. We can donate food or money to charities in Berlin that care for people who live in poverty. But the best thing we can do is to pray for them.
                                      2. Unemployment
                                        1. There isn't much we can do from Vancouver unless we go to Berlin


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