
linking numeration, fraction ideas and additive thinking with multiplicative thinking
Brie Cnly
Mapa Mental por Brie Cnly, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Brie Cnly
Criado por Brie Cnly mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. The process of renaming, comparing and calculating with the various fraction forms and establishing proportional reasoning
    1. Arrays help with why the parts are added, place value and renaming in multiplication, addition and subtraction
      1. Arrays provide understanding of how ones multiply with ones to give ones, ones multiply with tens to give tens, tens multiply with tens to give hundreds, and so on
        1. Developing the concepts, basic facts and algorithms used in multiplication and division
          1. critical to develop algebraic thinking for later formal algebra in high school
            1. Renaming occurs between mixed numbers and improper fractions
              1. MULTIPLICATION
                1. Uses arrays
                  1. Uses place value
                    1. repeated addition e.g. shows 3 fives and 5 threes and moves away from 5 + 5 +5
                      1. decimal fractions
                        1. algorithms
                        2. DIVISION
                          1. arrays
                            1. sharing
                              1. remainders
                                1. digits


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