The League Of Nations


Revision for The League of Nations
Mapa Mental por harryp0tter, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por harryp0tter mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The League Of Nations
  1. Aims
    1. To prevent war
      1. To encourage countries to work together
        1. Disarmament
          1. Improve living and working conditions of all people
          2. Powers
            1. Moral condemnation
              1. Trade sanctions
                1. Military sanctions
                2. How it was organized
                  1. The Assembly
                    1. Decisions had to be unanimous
                      1. 42 members- all of the countries
                      2. The council
                        1. Met 3 times a year
                          1. Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Japan
                          2. Permanent Court of International Justice
                            1. Can make a decision on arguments between countries
                            2. Commissions
                              1. Mandates
                                1. World Health
                                  1. Refugee
                                    1. Slavery
                                      1. Investigated signalling for railways and produced an international code for road users
                                    2. Weaknesses
                                      1. Had no armed forces. Relied on Britain and France.
                                        1. Military forces were a last resort
                                          1. Economic sanctions were hard to enforce
                                            1. Members were missing that could make it strong
                                            2. Problems


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