3i - Social Networking


Mapa Mental sobre 3i - Social Networking, criado por James Dove em 17-01-2015.
James Dove
Mapa Mental por James Dove, atualizado more than 1 year ago
James Dove
Criado por James Dove quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

3i - Social Networking
  1. What is it?
    1. It is an online community where people communicate and share information with others of a similar interest
    2. Advantages
      1. Sharing photos and updates
        1. People gain confidence
          1. Keeping in touch with other people
            1. Sharing interests
              1. For businesses:
                1. Search engine rankings
                  1. Visitors share links
                    1. Customer retention
                      1. Customer engagement
                    2. Disadvantages
                      1. Breakups in relationships
                        1. Bullying and trolls
                          1. Lost privacy
                            1. Regrets
                              1. Paedophilia
                                1. Time wasting
                                  1. Effects future employment
                                    1. Information is permanently shared


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