

GCSE Computing Mapa Mental sobre Algorithms, criado por Neil Tripathi em 03-12-2019.
Neil Tripathi
Mapa Mental por Neil Tripathi, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Neil Tripathi
Criado por Neil Tripathi quase 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. An algorithm is a sequence of steps that can be followed to complete a task.
    1. Computational Thinking
      1. Abstraction
        1. Removing unnecessary details from a problem in order to solve it.
          1. Climate change models, financial models, population models, queuing models...
            1. Separates the "logical" from the "physical".
            2. Decomposition
              1. Breaking down a problem into smaller, simpler stages. This makes it much easier to solve.
                1. Each part is itself a small, manageable subproblem.
                2. Algorithmic Thinking
                  1. A working algorithm will always finish and return an answer or perform the task it was supposed to.
                    1. Pseudocode/Flow Diagrams
                      1. Outlines the programming constructs but doesn't rely on any specific language syntax.
                  2. Searching Algorithms
                    1. Linear Search
                      1. Starts at the beginning of a list, and looks at every single item until found.
                        1. You could be lucky and find the item quickly if near the beginning, and vice versa.
                        2. Binary Search
                          1. List must be sorted
                            1. Much more efficient.
                              1. Repeatedly divided in half the portion of the list that could contain the item.
                            2. Sorting Algorithms
                              1. Binary search needs to be sorted first.
                                1. Bubble Sort
                                  1. Repeatedly going through the list, comparing each pair of adjacent elements.
                                    1. If elements are in the wrong order, they are swapped.
                                    2. Slowest
                                    3. Insertion Sort
                                      1. One piece of data at a time. One data is taken and placed in the correct location.
                                        1. On each pass, the current data item is checked against those already in the sorted list. If the item is smaller, the sorted list is shifted to the right.
                                        2. More efficient than bubble, less than merge.
                                        3. Merge Sort
                                          1. The list is successively divided in half, until the remaining lists are 1 element long.
                                            1. Each pair of sublists is compared and merged, forming a new sublist. This sublist once again compares and merges...etc.
                                            2. Fastest
                                          2. Pseudocode
                                            1. Iteration
                                              1. Looping or repeating. For, While, (sometimes also Repeat) loops.
                                              2. Selection
                                                1. If...else statements. Selecting which path of an algorithm to execute depending on some criteria.
                                                2. Sequence
                                                  1. Writing the steps down in the order they need to happen.


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