George Washington


Mind map about George Washington, 1st United States President.
Maya V.
Mapa Mental por Maya V., atualizado more than 1 year ago
Maya V.
Criado por Maya V. quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

George Washington
    1. Founding father of the U.S.A.
      1. Washington Monument
      2. Apr 14th, 1789
        1. Unanimously elected
          1. 1st American President
            1. No political party
          2. President's Day
            1. 3rd Monday of Feb.
              1. Abraham Lincoln


                1. Birthday Feb. 12th
              2. Born Feb. 22, 1732
                1. Virginia
                2. 1797
                  1. Retired from Presidency
                    1. Mount Vernon
                      1. Businessman
                    2. 1787
                      1. Constitutional Convention
                        1. United States Constitution
                      2. Died Dec. 14, 1799
                        1. Mount Vernon (Virginia)
                        2. 1792
                          1. Re-elected
                          2. 1791
                            1. Supressed the Whiskey Revolution
                            2. 1775
                              1. Commander in Chief
                              2. 1776
                                1. Declaration of Independence
                                2. 1796
                                  1. Farewell Address


                                  Abraham Lincoln Facts
                                  Maya V.
                                  La prehistoria
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                                  La Edad Antigua
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                                  PREHISTORIC WORDS
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                                  USA Physical Geography
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                                  PLAN COLOMBIA
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                                  THE MIDDLE AGES
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