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Violence and Death in 145th street stories
Mapa Mental sobre Violence and Death in 145th street stories, criado por Ivanna Perez em 18-12-2019.
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145th street stories
walter dean myers
7th grade
Mapa Mental por
Ivanna Perez
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
Ivanna Perez
aproximadamente 5 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
Violence and Death in 145th street stories
Angela's Eyes
Angela dreamt of the death of many people in her community
Also there is violence in Angela's Eyes because her father died a sad, brutal, tragic death
her husband Fernando was killed pg 38 Poli's funeral pg41 and that he was dead pg 46t he bad part is when death grows on us
Kitty and Mack: A love story
The death or violence in this story is when Mack get shot by gang members
The shooting got Mack's foot amputated and also made him get thoughts about suicide
Is that somebody laying on the ground over there, the street was full of police cars and emergency vehicles pg92
A gang called the Tigros were stabbing and killing innocent people
Also the Tigros shot Monkeyman for standing up for what is right
what if they had killed you pg84, getting into the same violence thing that's killing us off pg78
Baddest Dog in Harlem
I din't see where he was hit but I saw all the blood on the bed pg24
The police looked for someone who had a weapon and also killed a dog and a little boy
There was a shooting incident in the apartment which led to cost a dog and a little boy their lives
Block Party 145th street style
Peaches and J.T start arguing
J.T stole something
Why don't you just shut up Peaches got right up in J.T's face pg143
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