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Mapa Mental sobre Enter text here, criado por Victoria Bullock em 17-01-2020.
Victoria Bullock
Mapa Mental por Victoria Bullock, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Victoria Bullock
Criado por Victoria Bullock quase 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

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  1. Texas
    1. I want to stay close to home so I wont be alone on my adventure
    2. I want to be this because I want to help kids who need help
      1. It could vary between $43k-69k
        1. This is a good starting point in my salary, i could by what is needed
        2. The day to day responsibilities are, conduct psychological assessments and tests for diagnostic purpose
          1. We could get to get together and find different ways to help the children or try new things
          2. I would start working around the age of 23 for the amount of schooling i need
            1. I help children in need so they don't feel alone
              1. I can help they parents by giving them advice on what to do
                1. I fit because I've been in the kids place and i feel my advice could change or help in a way


                  16 Dicas para o Professor Criativo
                  Alessandra S.
                  Viviana Veloso
                  Simulado OAB
                  Alessandra S.
                  Guia para Estudar Física
                  Alessandra S.
                  Plano de Estudos com Mapas Mentais
                  Alessandra S.
                  Conceitos de Contabilidade
                  Alessandra S.
                  Guia de Estudos para o ENEM 2014
                  Alessandra S.
                  Espécies de Agente Público
                  Matemática Financeira - Fórmulas
                  Bruna Saraiva
                  CF - Direitos Políticos (positivos e negativos)
                  Thay Viegas
                  Fisiologia Humana
                  Felipe Penha