3 - 10


Mapa Mental sobre 3 - 10, criado por sian250293 em 12-09-2013.
Mapa Mental por sian250293, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por sian250293 quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

3 - 10
  1. 3 types of community - all of which bring people together
    1. Locality
      1. Pauline
      2. Social Networks
        1. source of support not necessarily linked with where one lives
          1. Vary in size - i.e. shelley has a lot of support compared to alexis who mainly has one (brother)
          2. important resource to help people regain their physical, emotional and social well-being
            1. Some vulnerable individuals need help from care services to maintain networks.
            2. Identity
              1. David (Chrisitan)
            3. Supporting people to access services
              1. Mina Ali - Small social network
                1. poor english
                  1. Unlikely to join groups due to cultural differences
                  2. Thornhill family support
                    1. Support from a member of community who has been in the same position
                    2. Tower Hamlets (Mina)
                      1. Family Support Service
                        1. Help re-establish routine
                      2. Simon
                        1. Socially excluded
                          1. isolated
                            1. no family or friends
                              1. excluded from many parts of the neighbourhood
                              2. Mental health issues?
                                1. hears voices?
                                2. Voluntary rather than official? more trustworthy?
                                  1. Community access project - Chris Lee
                                    1. combined advocacy & outreach service
                                      1. slowly build up a relationship with Simon
                                        1. practical support... first point of contact... flexibility
                                      2. Barriers to accessing services
                                        1. lack of motivation, self esteem and confidence?
                                          1. feeling awkward, uncomfortable or intimidated
                                            1. SEU - governments SOCIAL EXCLUSION UNIT
                                            2. Gypsy Travellers
                                              1. May benefit from outreach approach
                                                1. FFT - Friends, families and travellers
                                                  1. Sussex Traveller Women's Health Project
                                                    1. Train women to become voluntary health workers


                                                15 Dicas para Passar nos Exames Nacionais
                                                Guia para Estudar Física
                                                Alessandra S.
                                                Espécies de Agente Público
                                                PAULA LEOCÁDIO
                                                Tipos textuais
                                                Direito Constitucional I - Cartões para memorização
                                                Silvio R. Urbano da Silva
                                                RESUMO DE LITERATURA (PARTE 1)
                                                Ana Loss
                                                Conjunções Subordinativas
                                                Daniel Lima
                                                Estados Unidos: Euforia, Depressão e Recuperação
                                                jacson luft
                                                Simulado CTFL- Agile Tester
                                                Larissa Trindade