Teachers and Teaching hierarchy


all the things you gotta know about teaching - the illuminati is strong here.
Mapa Mental por illuminatiCONFIRMED, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por illuminatiCONFIRMED mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Teachers and Teaching hierarchy
  1. why would somebody wanna become a teacher?
    1. interest in a subject
      1. the frequent and long holidays
      2. Likes children and teaching them
      3. the teacher hierarchy
        1. prime minister
          1. deputy prime minister
            1. cabinet ministers
              1. ministers
                1. head teacher
                  1. senior management
                    1. teachers
                      1. STUDENTS
        2. Teacher centred approach
          1. behaviourist approach
            1. Direct instruction
              1. Formal authority
                1. expert teacher
                  1. personal model
                2. student centred approach
                  1. enquirary based learning
                    1. Facilitators
                      1. personal model
                        1. delegator
                        2. co-operative learning
                          1. delegator
                            1. facilitator
                            2. humanist
                              1. different teaching styles
                                1. lecture style
                                  1. engaging
                                    1. practicle


                                    Alessandra S.
                                    Guia de Estudos para OAB 1a Fase
                                    Maria José
                                    Simulado de história
                                    Alessandra S.
                                    Garantias Fundamentais
                                    SINTAXE DO PERÍODO SIMPLES
                                    1º Lista de exercícios - Limites
                                    Professor José
                                    Philosophus Rex
                                    Enem 3
                                    Robson Bueno
                                    GRÉCIA ANTIGA
                                    Hugo Fonseca
                                    Quiz -sólidos geométricos
                                    INES FIGUEIRA