ESL Approaches and Methods


Mapa Mental sobre ESL Approaches and Methods, criado por Alder Feroce em 07-03-2020.
Alder Feroce
Mapa Mental por Alder Feroce, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Alder Feroce
Criado por Alder Feroce aproximadamente 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

ESL Approaches and Methods
  1. Communicative Approach
    1. Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP)
      1. A highly researched, developed and explicated variation of sheltered instruction
        1. Makes grade level content comprehensible for students
          1. Students are working towards success in general education classroom


            • Through
            1. Academic standards
          2. 1. Lesson preparation 2. Building background 3. Comprehensible input 4. Strategies 5. Interaction 6. Practice and application 7. Lesson delivery 8. Review and assessment


            • These steps are more focused on teacher delivery and scaffolding.  The different steps rely on careful planning, preparation, delivery, and groupings made by the teacher.
          3. Integrated Content-Based(ICB)
            1. 1. Planning 2. Instruction 3. Assessment


              • These steps are more student focused. Planning involves selecting a theme and topics within it, creating language and content objectives, and preparing the materials and environment. Instruction involves pre-teaching vocabulary and building background, using authentic activities for integrating literacy, collaborative learning, cognitive engagement, and learning centers with visual support and graphic organizers. Assessments are formative and summative.
              1. Focus on content and language integration


                • Language teachers and content-area teachers will often collaborate to deliver this.
                1. Subject areas integrated into thematic units
                  1. Creates environments where students actively participates in meaningful, content-based contexts
                    1. Academic standards
                2. Transitional Bilingual Education
                  1. Aims to teach CLD students in their native language and gradually transitions to English
                    1. Students first develop literacy in their L1, which transfers to bilingualism and biliteracy
                      1. Most programs begin in K or 1 and transition students to all English classrooms after 2 years
                    2. Communicative Program Models
                      1. English as a Second Language (ESL)
                        1. Aims to teach English through appropriate instructional support without significant first language support
                          1. Often a push in or pull out method
                        2. Developmental Bilingual Education
                          1. Aims to teach CLD students content area instruction in first and second languages
                            1. Students are bilingual and biliterate
                              1. Programming usually begins in K or 1 and expands to include one grade each year thereafter. Critical subject areas are taught in both languages.
                            2. Two-Way Immersion
                              1. Aims to teach CLD students and native English students content area in two languages
                                1. Students are bilingual and biliterate
                                  1. Usually begins in K or 1 as either a 90-10 or 50-50 model. In the 90-10 model, instruction is mainly in students' L1 with small amounts of English. Each year this works towards the 50-50 model, where instruction is split between the two languages.
                                2. Limited Use Models
                                  1. Newcomer Programs


                                    • Response to increasing numbers of CLD students, especially secondary students, in school systems that have previously experienced litter or not cultural or linguistic diversity. CLD students are in a separate classroom and often receive below grade level content.
                                    1. Second or Foreign Language Immersion


                                      • Similar to two-way immersion because native-English-speaking students are immersed in a second language through academic instruction and social interaction.
                                  2. Suggestopedia
                                    1. Relaxed physical setting with minimal error correction; not content based
                                    2. Natural Way
                                      1. Comprehensible input; does not stress error correction; L1 acceptance; not content based
                                      2. Silent Way
                                        1. Teacher models; lots of repetition with little content
                                      3. Cognitive Approach
                                        1. Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA)
                                          1. Based on research that has identified effective curriculum and instructional approaches
                                            1. Integrates content subject instruction with academic language instruction in learning strategies
                                              1. Students are working towards success in general education classroom
                                                1. Academic and ESL standards
                                                  1. Learning strategies


                                                    • Metacognitive - thinking about thinking Cognitive - interacting with the material Social/Affective - interacting with others
                                                2. 1. Planning 2. Preparation 3. Presentation 4. Practice 5. Evaluation 6. Expansion


                                                  • These steps are more focused on student interaction with the material.
                                              2. Grammatical Approach
                                                1. Grammar Translation
                                                  1. Emphasis on reading writing and grammar; rules of grammar are taught holistically
                                                  2. Audiolingual
                                                    1. Lots of grammar instruction with an emphasis on correction, drills, and repetition
                                                    2. Direct
                                                      1. Total immersion in L2


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