Human Migration/ The Brain Drain


this is a chart about human migration, its reasons, implications and measures that could be taken to offset it.
lamia Ben Amor
Mapa Mental por lamia Ben Amor, atualizado more than 1 year ago
lamia Ben Amor
Criado por lamia Ben Amor quase 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Human Migration/ The Brain Drain
  1. Implications
    1. skill shortages
      1. slow economic growth
      2. investment in education is futile
          1. the money that taxpayers spend on educating generations is wasted as graduates do not stay in their countries to pay back their debts towards these countries, but rather emigrate
          2. inadequate scientific research and innovations
          3. Measures that should be taken
            1. to offset the incentives that push people to emigrate
              1. better salaries for skilled workers
                1. more opportunities for young people and graduates
                  1. less red tape/bureaucracy
                    1. investment in scientific research
                      1. recognition, reward of talented, skilled people
                    2. Reasons
                      1. political and religious persecution
                        1. emigrate as refugees
                        2. job opportunities
                          1. better standards of living
                            1. better salaries
                              1. wars


                              Matérias Concurso Público
                              Alessandra S.
                              Paulo Freire Pedagogia da Autonomia
                              Conceitos de Contabilidade
                              Alessandra S.
                              Combate a Incêndio - capítulo três
                              willian reis
                              Legislação de Trânsito
                              Historia - Feudalismo
                              Maria Clara Ferreira
                              REGÊNCIA VERBAL
                              Emprego Permanente do Poder Naval
                              willian reis
                              Sistema nervoso
                              João Victor
                              Apresentação da disciplina - Desenvolvimento e Sustentabilidade Ambiental - Medicina
                              Jéssica Meireles
                              Figuras de Linguagem
                              Hugo Fonseca