Low gas content --> non
explosive/violent eruptions-->
effusive lava flows
Shield Volcanoes eg
Kilauea, Hawaii and Mauna
Loa, Hawaii
Moderate gas content-->
slightly more explosive than
Hawaiian eruption
Cinder cones volcanoes
eg Mount Etna
more viscous lava than
High amounts of
release old
material from
central vent
Viscous basaltic to rhyolitic
Tephra dispersed into wider areas
than Haw/Strom
Cinder cones &
eg Vulcano, Italy
More viscous andesitic &
rhyolitic magma than Vul
Upward escape of
explosive gasses
prevented by solidified
lava--> forces way out-->
nuee ardente
eg Mount Mayon
Gas-rich eruptions--> intensely violent
--> wide disperse of pyroclastic materials
Primary Hazards
Lava flows
Depends on vicosity
Steepness of ground
Rate of prodn level
Pyroclastic flows
everything in path
Most dangerous:
Lateral blast
Lead to lahars by damming
streams (water mix with rock
fragment)--> rush downstream
Tephra & ash fall
Block sunlight--> temporary cooling of
atmospheric temperature
Ash disrupts lives of ppl more than other volcano
hazards bc leads to low economic activity by
reducing visibility and is slippery
Volcanic gasses
Sulphur dioxide gas--> acid rain & air pollution
Carbon dioxide > 30% is lethal
Secondary Harzards
Volcanic Landslide
Torrential Rain
Atmospheric effects
Lava Flow Dams
Redirect lava flow. Rely on the fact
that basaltic lava do not behave like
bulldozers. Can contain basaltic lava.
Small flow to prevent lava from
getting down to lower parts of
volcano. Big flow--> spill down but give
sufficient time for ppl to evacuate
Hazard Mapping
Long term planning. Show areas most likely to
be affected by diff types of volcanic activity.
Indicate relative degree of hazard occurring.
Good for land-use & effective
emergency-response measures--> will save many
ppl and avoid dmgs to property
However, if met with strong
opposition from economic interests> will likely be
produced not long b4 eruption>
insufficient time for proper dissemination
of map to public
However, not sure of the
accuracy for (a) size of
eruption (b) duration of
eruptive activity (c) extent
of topographic changes (d)
specific vent location
Educating the public
Lessen physiological and physical impacts
of eruption on the public. Warnings can be
better understood if public understands
nature of hazard. We can also use hazard
map to educate
Crisis Response
Emergency evacuation plans are
developed to ensure safest and most
efficient evacuation time should any
natural disasters occur
However, inadequacy of the
community in responding to the
imminent disaster was
compounded by the failure of local
authorities to respond in a timely
manner. Complacency. Chain of
command and sometimes a
meeting along the way. Eg Nevado
del Ruize
Tilt Meters
Monitor deformation caused by upward
movement of magma underneath