Restless Earth


Quiz on Restless Earth, created by Eleanor White on 05/08/2016.
Eleanor White
Quiz by Eleanor White, updated more than 1 year ago
Eleanor White
Created by Eleanor White over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Oceanic crust is denser yet thinner and mainly made up of basalt
  • True
  • False

Question 2

Continental crust is constantly being destroyed and re-created
  • True
  • False

Question 3

Plates are pushed towards each other. The denser [blank_start]oceanic[blank_end] plate gets forced to [blank_start]subduct[blank_end] under the [blank_start]continental[blank_end] plate. Energy builds up in the subduction zone due to [blank_start]friction[blank_end]. This is sometimes released as an [blank_start]earthquake[blank_end]. As it continues to subduct, the friction also leads to partial melting. The molten rock rises up through [blank_start]fissures[blank_end] until it reaches the surface.
  • oceanic
  • subduct
  • continental
  • friction
  • earthquake
  • fissures

Question 4

When the plates move apart, this boundary is called...
  • Constructive
  • Conservative
  • Destructive

Question 5

Annotate the formation of fold mountIns
  • rivers carry sediment to geosynclines
  • sediment lithifies as the plates converge
  • sediment forced upwards into folds

Question 6

Ocean trenches are deep sections of the ocean, such as the Challenger Deep, usually found where an oceanic plate is subducting below a continental plate
  • True
  • False

Question 7

How are the Andes used?
  • Farming in Bolivia, using terraces and llamas
  • Mining in Peru, such as the Yanacocha Gold Mine
  • Hydroelectric power - 47 micro-hydro power stations
  • Llama farms for burgers
  • Tourism, like 45km Inca Trail

Question 8

How do composite volcanoes vary from shield volcanoes?
  • Shield volcanoes are formed at hotspots or constructive plate boundaries
  • Composite volcanoes erupt more frequently
  • Shield volcanoes are huge in width, whereas composite volcanoes are tall and steep
  • Composite volcanoes emit low silica lava, making it less viscous

Question 9

When did Mt St Helens erupt?
  • May 18th 1972
  • May 18th 1980
  • March 20th 1980

Question 10

Which facts about Mt St Helens are correct?
  • The budge on the northern side of the volcano grew by 6ft a day
  • By 18th May, the bulge protruded 300ft
  • It erupted normally
  • 57 people died
  • Hundreds of millions of trees were destroyed by the eruption
  • The pyroclastic flow travelled up to 700mph

Question 11

Primary effects of Mt St Helens were [blank_start]57[blank_end] people died, an earthquake [blank_start]5.1[blank_end] on the Richter scale, every tree in a [blank_start]250km[blank_end] square area was destroyed and a landslide that blocked 14 miles of the [blank_start]Toutle[blank_end] River. Secondary effects included lahars that destroyed [blank_start]200[blank_end] homes, sediment deposited on river beds and better tourism - [blank_start]3 million [blank_end]visitors each year.
  • 57
  • 63
  • 5.1
  • 6.2
  • 250km
  • 2500km
  • Toutle
  • Mississippi
  • 200
  • 300
  • 3 million
  • 1 million

Question 12

What would the likely effects of Yellowstone erupting?
  • 1 in every 3 people within 1000km of the eruption will be killed
  • Large ash cloud would rise up to 10km into the atmosphere
  • The U.K. would see the arrival of ash 10 days after the eruption
  • Ash will cause 'volcanic winter' - temperatures could fall by 10-15 degrees
  • 40% of global population could face starvation

Question 13

Seismic waves are generated by an earthquake. [blank_start]Primary[blank_end] waves are felt first - they are relatively weak but warn us of the worst to come. [blank_start]Secondary[blank_end] waves are stronger and travel at right angles to the direction of the wave. [blank_start]Surface[blank_end] waves are the final waves. There are two types: [blank_start]longitudinal[blank_end] and [blank_start]transverse[blank_end] (which cause most damage)
  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Surface
  • longitudinal
  • transverse

Question 14

What is the Richter scale?
  • Logarithmic scale for measuring earthquakes, with a 10 fold increase in power every time the scale increases by 1
  • Measures the effects of earthquakes, based on people's subjective descriptions

Question 15

What are the three p's to reduce the impact of earthquakes?
  • Predict, protect, prepare
  • Prepare, plan, protect
  • Project, practicalities, protect

Question 16

How do people predict earthquakes?
  • Earth tremors, like using seismographs
  • Laser systems that can detect a movement of just 1mm
  • Animal behaviour, like rats and snakes crawling out of their holes

Question 17

The [blank_start]Transamerica[blank_end] Pyramid, San Francisco, was constructed of steel, reinforced concrete and glass. It successfully withstood the [blank_start]1989[blank_end] Lona Prieta earthquake. It swayed 12 inches due to the [blank_start]rubber shock absorbers[blank_end] and interlocking steel frames. To reduce this movement, there are computer controlled weights.
  • Transamerica
  • Trans-siberian
  • 1989
  • 1975
  • rubber shock absorbers
  • metal absorbers

Question 18

During Japan's annual '[blank_start]shake out[blank_end]' on the 1st [blank_start]September[blank_end] (the anniversary of the Great Kanto earthquake that killed [blank_start]140,000[blank_end] people), they learn all sorts of things. For example, they learn how to use [blank_start]fire extinguishers[blank_end], to duck cover and hold and even how to perform [blank_start]first aid[blank_end].
  • shake out
  • shake in
  • September
  • October
  • 140,000
  • 200,000
  • fire extinguishers
  • water pumps
  • first aid
  • Shakespeare

Question 19

An urban area in an LEDC, with soft rock, very close to the focus and epicentre, is the worst place to be when an earthquake occurs.
  • True
  • False

Question 20

What was the cause of the L'Aquila earthquake?
  • The Eurasian and African plates meet at a destructive plate boundary
  • Juan de Fuca subducting beneath the North American plate
  • A conservative plate boundary between the Caribbean plate and the North American

Question 21

The Haiti earthquake was caused by a conservative plate boundary between the Caribbean plate and the North American
  • True
  • False

Question 22

There were many effects of the L'Aquila earthquake. Primary effects included [blank_start]medieval[blank_end] buildings being damaged, [blank_start]295[blank_end] killed by collapsing buildings, [blank_start]2000[blank_end] people injured and split water pipes. Secondary effects were that [blank_start]58,000[blank_end] people were homeless and a landslide above [blank_start]Paganica[blank_end].
  • medieval
  • primeval
  • 295
  • 2000
  • 58,000
  • Paganica
  • Pangea

Question 23

There were many responses to the L'Aquila earthquake. Immediate responses included the [blank_start]2000[blank_end] injured taken to hospital, [blank_start]161[blank_end] tent settlements to house [blank_start]34000[blank_end] out of the [blank_start]58000[blank_end] homeless and [blank_start]11000[blank_end] volunteers searching for survivors. Long term responses included an [blank_start]official investigation[blank_end] into why buildings collapsed and, afterwards, building regulations were strictly enforced. Overall, [blank_start]1 billion[blank_end] was poured into L'Aquila.
  • 2000
  • 161
  • 34000
  • 58000
  • 11000
  • official investigation
  • 1 billion

Question 24

There were many effects of the [blank_start]2010[blank_end] Haiti earthquake. Some primary effects included [blank_start]250,000[blank_end] people dead, many by the [blank_start]50[blank_end]% of buildings that collapsed. Such buildings included the [blank_start]Parliament[blank_end] building and the police HQ. Secondary effects included [blank_start]1.5 million [blank_end]homeless and, effectively, no law and order. This was due to the main prison in Port Au Prince being destroyed as well as the death of many [blank_start]officers[blank_end] and government officials.
  • 2010
  • 250,000
  • 50
  • Parliament
  • 1.5 million
  • officers

Question 25

The [blank_start]7.3[blank_end] magnitude earthquake of Haiti had many responses. Immediate responses included [blank_start]16,000[blank_end] UN troops sent to restore law and order. They also set up a '[blank_start]Food Aid Cluster[blank_end]' to feed [blank_start]2 million [blank_end]people. Nearly [blank_start]600[blank_end] make shift camps set up to house the homeless. Long term cake included the '[blank_start]Haiti Fund[blank_end]' - a [blank_start]$11.5 billio[blank_end]n reconstruction package, especially in [blank_start]Karai[blank_end]. These reconstructions will be built to '[blank_start]Life Safe[blank_end]' building codes.
  • 7.3
  • 16,000
  • Food Aid Cluster
  • 2 million
  • 600
  • Haiti Fund
  • $11.5 billio
  • Karai
  • Life Safe
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