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Maxims of teaching
Education Mapa Mental sobre Maxims of teaching, criado por Pallavi Talekar em 04-04-2020.
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Mapa Mental por
Pallavi Talekar
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
Pallavi Talekar
quase 5 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
Maxims of teaching
Known to Unknown
student knows something. Teachers are to increase his knowledge and widen the outlook
old knowledge serves as a hook on which the new one can be hung
link previous experiences of the child with the new content
Satyagraha at Aarey colony (known) Satyagraha during Indian Freedom struggle (unknown)
Work of Sindhutai Sakpal (known) Social reformers in 19th century (unknown)
Simple to Complex
simple things are presented first to the students
gradually complex type of things introduced / explained
Advantage- feel encouraged and gain confidence
Biographical details of Gautam Buddha (Simple) Philosophy of Buddhism(Complex
forming of loksabha(simple) functions of loksabha(complex)
Concrete to abstract
Concrete things are solid things and they can be touched with five senses.
But abstract things can only be imagine
difficult to teach children about abstract things.
teach the students with the help of concrete objects, they will never forget the subject matter.
models of seal during Harappan time (concrete) use of seal( abstract)
preamble of Constitution (concrete) details in constitution ( abstract)
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