

Germany Revision, Events and Information.
Joe Scotney
Mapa Mental por Joe Scotney, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Joe Scotney
Criado por Joe Scotney mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. The lean years, 1924-29
    1. It won only 12 seats in election.
      1. Party did not do well.
        1. There were disagreements when Hitler was in prison.
        2. Reorganised the party to make more efficient.
      2. Depression helped Hitler
        1. Caused chaos in Germany
          1. Government couldn't take control
            1. Unemployment was a big issue.
              1. Street battles were frequent.
          2. Events 32-33
            1. July - General Election made great violence
              1. Communists VS Nazi's / 100 people died every fight.
                1. Hitler became Chancellor
                  1. Hindumberg thought he could control Hitler.
                  2. Reichstag fire, a naked communist was blamed at the scene
                  3. 30th Jan 33 - Von Papen became Vice Chancellor
                2. Removal of Oppositing 33-34
                  1. Chancellor - Tried to increase number of Nazi's
                    1. Got Hidenburg to dissolve the Reichstag.
                      1. Enabling Act - March-33
                        1. Give him right to pass law for 4 years.
                          1. However needs majority vote.
                            1. Hitler ordered SA to continue intimidating the ops.
                              1. 81 communist members of Reichstag was expelled.
                                1. Enabling act got 441 votes to 91.
                                  1. Was given power for 4 years.
                        2. Banning Trade Unions
                          1. Weaken communist workers.
                            1. 23rd of March
                        3. Reichstag Fire Feb - 33.
                          1. Marinus van der Lubbe was arrested for "crime"
                            1. Nazi's blamed the communists.
                              1. H told Hindenberg to pass emergency law.
                                1. Using law 1000 communisms put in prison
                                  1. Still didn't have majority of votes.


                              Germany 1918-39
                              Cam Burke
                              Hitler's Chancellorship
                              Hitler and the Nazi Party (1919-23)
                              Adam Collinge
                              Why the Nazis Achieved Power in 1933 - essay intro/conclusion
                              Denise Draper
                              Rise Of Power
                              Weimar Revision
                              Tom Mitchell
                              World War II Notebook
                              Weimar Germany 1919: The Spartacists and the constitution
                              Chris Clayton
                              Hitler's rise to Chancellorship Jan '33
                              Simon Hinds
                              Weimar Republic - Problems facing it from 1918 - 1923
                              Kiya Bhayani
                              Britain and World War 2
                              Ligia Herbst