Rheology of Food


Mapa Mental sobre Rheology of Food, criado por Muhd Hafiz em 26-09-2013.
Muhd Hafiz
Mapa Mental por Muhd Hafiz, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Muhd Hafiz
Criado por Muhd Hafiz aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Rheology of Food
  1. Categories
    1. First Category
      1. Food Product Developers
      2. Second Category
        1. Food Engineers
        2. Third Category
          1. Material Scientist or Physicist
        3. Important Roles In :
          1. Manufacturing of Food
            1. Flow Properties of Food
            2. Hierarchical Materials
              1. Suspension, emulsion and interfaces, foams, biopolymer gels and mixtures can be food encountered in rheological investigations
                1. Most of food materials category of soft condensed matter consists:
                  1. nonstructure hierarchical
                    1. microstrucrure hierarchical
                    2. Rheometric flow condition
                      1. Mayonnaise
                        1. Yogurt
                          1. Ketchup
                        2. Rheology and human perception
                          1. change the microstructure on this length-scale
                            1. During mastication and swallowing, tongue and mouth senses only those aggregates greater than 20 μm
                              1. Usage of Biopolymer gels
                              2. Complex Flow phenomena in Multiscale Food Systems
                                1. Yield stress
                                  1. Elastic deformation and viscous or viscoelastic flow
                                    1. Dough Rheology
                                      1. Squeezing and Lubricating Flow
                                        1. Thin film rheology


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