Food Insecurity in Northern Mali


Causes and Consequences
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Food Insecurity in Northern Mali
  1. Conflict
    1. Resistance against food Aid
      1. Blocking delivery of aid
        1. Must rely on Substinence Farming
          1. 75% of Malians rely on Substinence Famrning
            1. Economy cannot progress
        2. Farmers experience many problems
          1. Can't drive along many roads to pick up supplies because of soldiers
            1. Food distribution stops
            2. May be forced to become soldiers so no one is working the fields
              1. No crops can be planted
              2. Farmer's fields may be used as a battle ground or to build bases
                1. No room to grow crops
                2. Lack of supply due to lack of security
                  1. Farmers cannot grow foods to provide people with
                3. Soldiers may confiscate food at any time
                  1. Leaving villages without adequate supply
                  2. Fields and land may be mined
                    1. Makes unusable land to produce crops
                    2. Drought
                      1. Most of Country is desert
                        1. Not being able to grow crops
                          1. Not being able to Subsistence Farm
                            1. Not being able to sell extra produce
                                1. Constantly relying on basic foods
                                  1. Depending on aid organisations
                              1. High Salinity levels of a desert
                                1. Land will become more prone to erosion
                                  1. Soil becomes infertile
                                  2. Frequently occurring and unpredictable extreme climate conditions
                                    1. Crops can be easily destroyed
                                  3. Very little rainfall
                                    1. Only 127mm of rain per year
                                      1. No water for crops and produce
                                        1. Unable to grow food
                                        2. Will only receive rain during between June and August
                                          1. Proof of how little rainfall Northern Mali receives
                                          2. Level of water for cattle and other animals is low
                                            1. Animals could die or become sick from no water
                                            2. No grass or other shrubs can grow
                                              1. No feed for cattle and other animals
                                              2. No Grass
                                                1. grow
                                              3. Inflation
                                                1. Food crisis in 2008
                                                  1. The price for many grains doubled
                                                    1. Unable to purchase grains for staple foods
                                                    2. Examples of the Inflation in Northern Mali
                                                      1. Fuel
                                                    3. Fuel crisis in 2008
                                                      1. Unable to purchase fuel to run a car because its too expensive
                                                        1. Not able to drive to different markets to sell produce
                                                          1. No money
                                                            1. Not earning money to purchase special food
                                                      2. Income of people decreasing
                                                        1. People can't afford even the most basic foods
                                                        2. Prices increasing
                                                          1. People have to spend all of their money on the rising prices of food
                                                            1. No money going to other industries, e.g.clothes
                                                              1. Economy deteriorates

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