The English language curriculum for
the public schools and high schools of
English curriculum has been designed for BGU and BGE as an L2 due to here in
Ecuador there is just L1 that is Spanish
Epistemological Foundations and Pedagogical responses
This refers to how to teach EFL to learners of schools or high schools.
Constructivist approach: Is based on emotional, cognitive that are skills that ease communication. Also how to manage real-life contexts.
English as a Foreign Language and Content-Language and integrated Learning (CLIC)
-Communication -Cultural Awareness and understanding. -Cognition - Context.
Communicative Language Learning
Constructivist theories of knowledge and the central role of language
communicative competences in CLIC, frameworks can be best-expressed trough a
communicative approach to teaching.
Resources: Are based on to expand, enhance, support and enrich all learners
and teach ho to be able to learn a new language that also is accompanied by
Critical Thinking
Evaluating, and
Main Goals of EFL
Developing learners' understanding of the world, cultures, and how to
communicate trough of English Language.
Developing personal, social and intellectual skills that
allowed to participate productively in an increasingly
a globalized world in EFL
Involving students in this language so they can keep
studying English and improving their language in order
to get more opportunities as field professional as well as social
Communicative language approach: Is better to learn by
interacting, and communicating rather than just memorizing
International standards: Is recognized by a frame
international that are levels of teaching and learning
the language.
Thinking skills: Learning English helps to increase
critical thinking, help to increase skills, and
develop more skills.
Listening / Writing / Reading / Speaking
Content and Language integrated learning
Is a model that is used to integrate the learning of
language with cultural and cognitive aspects.
Curriculum Threads
Communication and cultural Awareness
-Intercultural Awareness and Identity.
-Social competence and values
Oral Communication
-Listening Skills - Spoken production -
Spoken interaction
-Literacy-rich environment
-Reading comprehension
-Reading Comprehension
-Use of resources and study
skills - Cross-Curricular
- Text
Language through the arts
Literary text in context
-Creative writing -
Creative thinking skills
21st-century skills developed through learning English
Global Engagement: To understand Cultures and other
cultures. To communicate abroad trough Enlgish
Social and Thinking Skills: To develop a process of personal and
intellectual skills in order to participate completely in a world that
operates in English.
Contents of BGU
Bachillerato General Unificado (BGU) aims to shape young people who are
well-prepared for 21st-century, Also are about participate in a globalized world,
democratic society through ongoing learning and activities. When a student
finished BGU he's able to communicate, interpret, interact, and socialize
without problems in the English language.
A2. (1 BGU)
B1.1 (2 BGU) and B1.2 (3 BGU)
There are parameters that are divide in
Skills and Strategies/ Goals/ Project
CLIC / Solidarity / Justice / Innovation
Coding for planning
General EFL is objectives being assessed, for instance, OG. EFL.4.
Skills and Performance descriptors to be evaluated, for example, OG. EFL. 5.1.2
How the objectives contribute to the going profile, for example, 5.3
Indicators for the performance criteria. For example. 1. EFL. 5.2.1