Introduction to Chemistry


Mapa Mental sobre Introduction to Chemistry, criado por Daniel López em 28-08-2020.
Daniel López
Mapa Mental por Daniel López, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Daniel López
Criado por Daniel López mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Introduction to Chemistry
  1. Chemistry
    1. Chemistry is the study of the composition of matter and the changes that matter undergoes.
      1. Areas of Study
        1. Organic chemistry
          1. Inorganic chemistry
            1. Biochemistry
              1. Analytical chemistry
                1. Physical chemistry
                2. Chemistry can be useful in explaining the natural world, preparing people for career oportunities, and producing informed citizens.
                3. Because living things and nonliving things are made of matter, chemistry affect all aspects of life and most natural events.
                  1. Pure chemistry is the pursuit of chemical knowledge for its own sake.
                    1. Applied chemistry is research that is directed toward a practical goal or application.
                    2. Chemistry Far and Wide
                      1. Chemists design materials to fit specific needs.
                        1. Macroscopic
                          1. Microscopic
                            1. Energy is necessary to meet the needs of modern society.
                              1. Conserve Energy
                                1. Produce Energy
                                  1. Store Energy
                                2. Chemistry supplies the medicines, materials, and technology that doctors use to treat their patients.
                                  1. Chemists help to develop more productive crops and safer, more effective ways to protect crops.
                                    1. Chemists help to identify pollutants and prevent pollution.
                                      1. To study the universe, chemists gather data from afar and analyze matter that is brought back to earth.
                                      2. Thinking like a Scientist
                                        1. The word chemistry comes from alchemy, long before there were chemists, alchemists were studying matter.
                                          1. Alchemy had a practical side and a mystical side.
                                            1. Mystical alchemy focused on concepts like perfection.
                                              1. Practical alchemy focused on develop techniques.
                                            2. Scientific Method
                                              1. Is a logical, systematic approach to the solution of a scientific problem.
                                                1. Observations
                                                  1. Hypotheses
                                                    1. Theories
                                                      1. Scientific law
                                                  2. Problem Solving in Chemistry
                                                    1. Effective problem solving always involves developing a plan and then implementing that plan
                                                      1. Solving Numeric Problems
                                                        1. Analyze
                                                          1. Calculate
                                                            1. Evaluate
                                                            2. Solving Conceptual Problems
                                                              1. Analyze
                                                                1. Solve


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