AGILE Planning and Project


Revision note 2
Jason Dsilva
Mapa Mental por Jason Dsilva, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jason Dsilva
Criado por Jason Dsilva quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

AGILE Planning and Project
  1. User Stories
    1. A user story is a description of a feature. It's told by the user who wants the feature
      1. The story on the card becomes requirements for the project.
        1. Then becomes sub stories and some requirements have condition of satisfaction for testing.
    2. Estimation
      1. Time can be estimated in story points or ideal time.
        1. Ideal time is focusing on one task in the estimated time.
          1. Story points are measured in efforts required for the story. Can be influenced by effort, complexity, risk and uncertainty.
          2. Comparing Ideal time and Story Points
            1. Story points support the design, whereas ideal time is easier to explain to the client
              1. Story points estimations do not decay, Ideal times are more easy to estimate first.
                1. Ideal days cannot be added to your ideal day making this a downfall.
                  1. Estimation Planning Poker


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