Consumer Health


This is my WW Mind Map
Franzie DelaCruz
Mapa Mental por Franzie DelaCruz, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Franzie DelaCruz
Criado por Franzie DelaCruz mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Consumer Health
  1. Health Informaton
    1. facts about the products and services affecting health consumers
    2. Health Products
      1. goods or things that people use or take
      2. Health Services
        1. amenities created to address health concerns
        2. criteria for consideration
          1. safety
            1. quality
              1. price
                1. environmental impact
                2. Health information
                  1. facts about the products and services affecting the health consumers
                  2. Health products
                    1. goods or things that people use or take
                    2. Health services
                      1. ameneties created to address health concerns
                      2. Do you know what kind of consumer you are?
                        1. impulsive buyer
                          1. shopping on a whim then regret comesafterward
                          2. intelligent consumer
                            1. prioritize needs and limit purchase
                            2. wasteful consumer
                              1. always wasting stuffs
                              2. panic buyer
                                1. hoards unreasonable stocks of supplies
                                2. close-fisted consumer
                                  1. hoards a lot of money but deprive themselves of their needs
                                  2. consumer spendthrift
                                    1. lavish spending and luxury
                                    2. bargain addict
                                      1. obssessed with all types of sales


                                    Food and Health Safety Introduction
                                    Andrew Burke
                                    Biology Revision - Y10 Mock
                                    Tom Mitchell
                                    History of Medicine: Ancient Ideas
                                    James McConnell
                                    Biology AQA 3.1.5 The Biological basis of Heart Disease
                                    B1.1.1 Diet and Exercise Flash Cards
                                    Health and Social Care
                                    Neuro anatomy
                                    James Murdoch
                                    Z S
                                    Effect of Carbon monoxide on oxygen transport
                                    Aarushi Pandit
                                    Exam 1 Medications