Music Tech Assessment


Mapa Mental sobre Music Tech Assessment, criado por James Burns em 30-04-2015.
James Burns
Mapa Mental por James Burns, atualizado more than 1 year ago
James Burns
Criado por James Burns aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Music Tech Assessment
  1. Noise Gate
    1. Will trim a signal within a threshold so that you will only get the desired signal. (When an input signal falls below the threshold level, the gate will mute the signal)
      1. Threshold- When the signal falls below the threshold, the gate mutes the signal
        1. Release- The release controls the speed of which the gate closes once the signal falls below the threshold level
          1. Range - sets the signal allowed to pass through the gate (even when closed)
            1. Hold Time - stops the gate reaching its release phase too soon
        2. Attack- Control the time the gate takes to fully open (fast attack = 10-50 micro seconds, a slow attack = 10-50 milliseconds). If the gate opens too quickly, you may get a clicking noise.
        3. Compression
          1. A compressor essentially makes sure that all the notes throughout the song are roughly the same dB so that we do not get sudden random outbursts of sound within a song
            1. Threshold- how loud the signal has to be before compression takes place
              1. Ratio- How much compression is applied. E.G if the ratio is set to 6:1, the input signal has to cross the threshold by 6dB, for the output level to be decreased by 1dB
                1. Attack- how quickly the compressor starts to work
                  1. Release-How soon after the signal dips below the threshold the compressor stops
                    1. Knee- how the compressor reacts to signals once the threshold is passed.
                      1. Make-up gain- allows you to boost the compressed signal to make it louder.
            2. EQ
              1. EQ's main purpose is to manipulate tone, boosting/cutting frequencies to make something sound better. Instruments have differing EQ frequencies (Bass has lower frequencies, electric guitar has higher frequencies_
                1. We hear between 20Hz up to 20kHz
                  1. Filters- A high pass filter, low pass filter or shelf filter can be modified by using a bandwidth or Q Controls to allow the filter width to be changed. A high pass filter will be used to remove high end frequencies, a low pass filter will be used to remove low end frequencies. Sweepable controls allow the filter centre frequency to be changed.
                    1. Frequencies can be completely cut if thinned and then muted, possibly removing any unwanted noises such as a ringing noise from a drum kit.
                2. Reverb
                  1. Reverb is essentially the sound created when a sound is reflected from a wall (Acting like an echo)
                    1. These reverbs can be made naturally by playing in various shaped/sizes of rooms to create a natural reverb, or made in a digital reverberator that will create an artificial reverb effect.
                      1. The time before a reverb is called a pre-delay, then the echo will take place and will gradually decay (die out) over time
                        1. A reverb effect can be described as wet or dry. If the reverb isn't particularly prominent, then it will be described as dry. If a reverb stands out, then it will be described as wet.
                  2. Microphone positions
                    1. 4 inches from the grille cloth in front of the speaker cone-Natural and well balanced
                      1. 1 inch from the grille cloth at the centre of the cone - Bassy
                        1. Off centre from the speaker cone - Dull or mellow
                          1. 3 feet from the centre of the cone - thin, reduced bass
                            1. When recording an acoustic guitar, it is recommended to have a microphone 1/3rd up the neck and over the bridge when stereo recording, or 13th fret when mono recording.
                              1. When recording a piano, it is best to place one microphone over the bass strings, and one over the treble.


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