Skeletal System


Mapa Mental sobre Skeletal System, criado por xlilyxjonesx em 13-10-2013.
Mapa Mental por xlilyxjonesx, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por xlilyxjonesx quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Skeletal System
  1. Joints
    1. Ball and Socket
      1. Synovial joints are built to cut down on friction.
        1. Shoulder
          1. These joints allow movement in all different directions
          2. The end of the bones are covered in cartilage which acts as a shock absorber.
        2. Hinge
          1. Fibruous
            1. These are fixed joints.
              1. Cranium
            2. Hinge
              1. Only allow movement up and down not side to side.
                1. Elbow.
              2. Joints are held together by ligaments
                1. Tendons hold muscles and bone together.
                  1. Ligamentous
                    1. Allow only little movement
                      1. Spine
                  2. Main Functions
                    1. Shape, movement, protection, support, blood cell production and calcium storage.
                      1. Shape and support is important in sport. shape can give good structure and hold organs in place.
                        1. Without all our bones and joints we wouldn't be able to move.
                          1. Blood cells are produced in the centre of our bones. Without blood cells we wouldn't be able to function and would be come very ill.
                            1. Calcium is what makes us strong, we can store this in our bones so we are at less risk of out bones becoming brittle.
                          2. Where Bones are found
                            1. Bone Classificaion
                              1. Long
                                1. Femur
                                2. Short
                                  1. Carples
                                  2. Flat
                                    1. Frontal (cranium)
                                    2. Irregular
                                      1. Vertabrae
                                      2. Sesamold
                                        1. Patella
                                      3. Bones and where they are found.
                                        1. Injuries
                                          1. Compound break
                                            1. AKA open break- bone protrudes the skin.
                                              1. Medical attention needed.
                                                1. AKA closed fracture- bone doesn't protrude skin.
                                                  1. Simple fracture
                                            2. Strain- only on tendons.
                                              1. Sprain-on ligaments and muscles.
                                                1. Osteoporosis
                                                  1. Low bone density leaves bones brittle.
                                                    1. Weight bearing sports- running, jogging, dance, football.
                                                      1. Non weight bearing sports- swimming.
                                                        1. Vitamin D needed.
                                                    2. Movement
                                                      1. Abduction- moving a away from the centre line.
                                                        1. Adduction- moving towards the centre line.
                                                          1. Flexion- making the angle at a joint smaller.
                                                            1. Extension- making the angle at a joint bigger
                                                              1. Rotation-moving a joint in all directions.


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