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muscle fibres
incomplete muscle fibres mind-map
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a-level pe
neuromuscular system
muscle fibres
physical education (pe)
a level
Mapa Mental por
Tegan-Mai Trinder
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
Tegan-Mai Trinder
mais de 4 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
muscle fibres
type I - slow oxidative
110 m/s slower contraction speed
anaerobic capacity is low
produce energy aerobically
myosin ATPase/ glycolytic enzyme activity is low
motor neurone size is small
better adapted to low intensity exercise
force produced is low
myoglobin content is high
capillary density is high
fatigability is low
aerobic capacity is very high
mitochondrial density is high
motor neuron conduction capacity is slow
type IIa - fast glycolytic oxidative
longer burst of energy needed
used for short, intense bursts of effort
myosin ATPase/ glycolytic enzyme activity is high
fatigability is medium
aerobic capacity is medium
generate a greater force of contraction
anaerobic capacity is high
contraction speed is faster at 50 m/s
motor neurone size is large
capillary density is medium
produce energy anaerobically
motor neurone conduction capacity is fast
myoglobin content is medium
force produced is high
mitochondrial density is medium
type IIb - fast glycolytic
fatigue much faster
highly explosive events
contraction speed is faster at 50 m/s
motor neurone size is large
motor neuroine conduction capacity is fast
force produced is high
fatigability is high
mitochondrial density is low
myoglobin content is low
capillary density is low
aerobic capacity is low
anaerobic capacity is very high
myosin ATPase/ glycolytic enzyme activity is very high
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