FCE Writing


Mapa Mental sobre FCE Writing, criado por Rocío García em 18-05-2015.
Rocío García
Mapa Mental por Rocío García, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rocío García
Criado por Rocío García quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

FCE Writing
    1. Part 1
      1. Write a letter or email
      2. Part 2
        1. Write: an article, an essay, a letter, a report, a review, a story...
      3. TIPS
        1. Choose a question that you are interested in so that way you can make it better.
          1. Read the instructions carefully and make notes.
            1. Make a plan before you start writing to know what you're going to put in each paragraph.
              1. Think about who you are writing to and use an appropriate style of language
                1. Try to use a range of complex language
                2. http://www.examenglish.com/FCE/fce_writing.html


                  FCE WRITING
                  FCE WRITING
                  Teresa Rocandio
                  FCE WRITING
                  Gisela Alascio
                  II GUERRA MUNDIAL
                  Luis Augusto Oliveira
                  Informática conhecimentos básicos
                  A U T A R Q U I A
                  Jean Pierre Silva
                  Projeto Med 2015: História e Geografia
                  Lud .
                  Geografia - Mapa do Brasil
                  GoConqr suporte .
                  Investigação científica
                  Claudina Quintino
                  116. Recursos administrativos
                  Marcelo Sasso Gonzalez
                  Empreendedorismo - Contextualização da disciplina - Gestão
                  Ana Roberta Andrade