103.3 Perform basic file management


103.3 Perform basic file management
Rolando Martinez
Mapa Mental por Rolando Martinez, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rolando Martinez
Criado por Rolando Martinez mais de 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

103.3 Perform basic file management
  1. Introduction
    1. Everything in Linux is a file,
      1. copy files
        1. delete files
          1. cover the commands associated with file management.
            1. A file is an entity that stores data and programs.
              1. consists of content and meta data
                1. file size, owner, creation date, permissions
              2. types of files
                1. Regular files
                  1. Directories
                    1. Special files
                2. Manipulating Files
                  1. Using ls to List Files
                    1. ls
                      1. -l
                        1. -,:Regular file d,: directory file l: lnk file
                        2. -lh
                          1. human
                          2. -a
                            1. hidden files
                        3. Creating, Copying, Moving and Deleting Files
                          1. Create File
                            1. touch file1 file2 file3
                              1. touch -am file3
                                1. -a option changes only the access time, while the -m option changes only the modification time.
                            2. Copying Files with cp
                              1. cp file1 dir2
                              2. Moving Files with mv
                                1. mv myfile.txt /home/frank/Documents
                                  1. mv old_file_name new_file_name
                                  2. -i: interactive -f:forza
                                  3. Deleting Files with rm
                                    1. rm file1
                                      1. rm -i file1
                                        1. rm -f file1
                                          1. rm file1 file2 file3
                                  4. Creating and Deleting Directories
                                    1. Creating Directory
                                      1. mkdir dir1
                                        1. mkdir dir1 dir2 dir3
                                          1. mkdir -p parents/children
                                    2. Removing Directories
                                      1. rmdir dir1
                                        1. rmdir dir1 dir2
                                          1. rmdir -p parents/children
                                      2. Recursive Manipulation of Files and Directories
                                        1. ls -R mydirectory
                                          1. ls -R animal
                                            1. ls -R animal/
                                        2. Recursive Copy with cp -r
                                          1. tree mydir
                                            1. mkdir newcopy
                                              1. cp -r mydir newcopy
                                                1. -r all the contents of mydir including itself are copied into newcopy.
                                                2. Recursive Deletion with rm -r
                                                  1. rm newcopy/
                                                    1. rm -ri mydir/
                                                      1. Recursive Interactive
                                                3. File Globbing and Wildcards
                                                  1. file globing
                                                    1. File globbing is a feature provided by the Unix/Linux shell to represent multiple filenames by using special characters called wildcards.
                                                    2. Wildcards
                                                      1. are essentially symbols which may be used to substitute for one or more characters
                                                        1. *
                                                          1. rm *: Delete all files in current working directory.
                                                          2. ?
                                                            1. ls l?st
                                                              1. List all files with names beginning with l followed by any single character and ending with st.
                                                            2. []
                                                              1. rmdir [a-z]*
                                                                1. Remove all directories whose name starts with a letter.
                                                          3. The Asterisk
                                                            1. find /home -name *.png
                                                              1. ls lpic-*.txt
                                                                1. cp -r animal/* forest
                                                                  1. rm *ate*
                                                                    1. The Question Mark
                                                                      1. ls l?st.txt
                                                                        1. ls ??st.txt
                                                                          1. Bracketed Characters
                                                                            1. ls l[aef]st.txt
                                                                              1. ls l[a-z]st.txt
                                                                                1. ls student-[0-9][A-Z].txt
                                                                                  1. Combining Wildcards
                                                                                    1. ls [plf]?st*
                                                                                      1. ls f*[0-9]+.txt
                                                                              2. Guide Exercises
                                                                                1. touch dog cat
                                                                                  1. mkdir animal
                                                                                    1. mv dog cat -t animal/
                                                                                    2. cd ~/Documents
                                                                                      1. mkdir backup
                                                                                        1. cp -r animal ~/Documents/backup
                                                                                          1. mv animal/ animal.bkup
                                                                                      2. ls db-[1-3].tar.gz
                                                                                        1. rm cne*.pdf


                                                                                        103.3 Perform basic file management
                                                                                        Rolando Martinez
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