Gender Equity and Biological Development and Health


Children go through different periods of development as they grow. Biological development includes stages that start when a baby is still in the womb. In fact, different essential prenatal stages take place when the baby's body is forming. The infant stage is also a time of crucial growth and development, and important milestones continue as a person grows, even into adulthood.
Geoselyn Carolina
Mapa Mental por Geoselyn Carolina, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Geoselyn Carolina
Criado por Geoselyn Carolina aproximadamente 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Gender Equity and Biological Development and Health
  1. gender inequalities
    1. attitudes and behaviors
      1. construct
        1. learning and teaching process.
      2. Parity, Equality and Equity
        1. Gender parity
          1. respect
      3. Biological Development
        1. periods of development
          1. Health and learning
            1. Maturation of adolescents
          2. The pre-natal stages of development
            1. The brain develops during the prenatal
            2. Brain development before birth
              1. the impact of the environment
                1. events (gene expression)
                2. development stages in infants and children
                  1. Social interaction
                    1. Speech and Language
                      1. Sensory awareness
                        1. Physical skills
                        2. The Biology of Child development and learning
                          1. Rapidity of brain development during early child-hood
                            1. The interplay of genes and environment.
                              1. The impact of stress on development
                                1. Individual differences in sensitivity to environments
                                2. The Biology of adolescent development
                                  1. Sexual maturation
                                    1. puberty
                                      1. girls
                                        1. breast enlargement
                                        2. pubic region more in boys
                                      2. gender inequalities
                                        1. and girls do not have the same opportunities
                                          1. equidad de género en educación
                                          2. Parity, Equality and Equity
                                            1. Gender parity
                                              1. Equality and equity
                                            2. it is a measure of achievement fairness and opportunities.
                                              1. That is why it is so important
                                              2. Educational equality and equity
                                                1. fundamental human right and essential
                                                2. Gender equality and gender equity in education
                                                  1. gender roles causing gender
                                                  2. Causes of gender discrimination in education
                                                    1. Political factors
                                                      1. Socio-economic factors
                                                        1. Socio-cultural factors
                                                    2. Stakeholders to get the Gender equity
                                                      1. equity in educatio
                                                        1. Government
                                                          1. parents
                                                            1. schools
                                                              1. teachers and students
                                                      2. The process of gender equity construction
                                                        1. value
                                                          1. status


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