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Unit 3 Revision Mind Map
Esmé Searle
Mapa Mental por Esmé Searle, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Esmé Searle
Criado por Esmé Searle aproximadamente 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

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  1. Netiquette
    1. Rules of online behaviour
      1. Remeber the human
        1. Don't abuse your power
          1. Be the same you IRL and online
            1. Know where you are
              1. Respect other people and their privacy
                1. Forgive people and their mistakes
                  1. Share your Knowledge
                    1. Keep flame wars under control
                      1. Make yourself look good online
                    2. Digital Footprint
                      1. Everything we do or post online is remeemberd by anyone or thing who saw it
                        1. Something we post on social media
                            1. Locations
                            2. Photos
                              1. Videos
                              2. Someone could take a screenshot of something before you delete it


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