

Mapa Mental sobre DevOps_Updated, criado por Vikas Bhandekar em 26-06-2015.
Vikas Bhandekar
Mapa Mental por Vikas Bhandekar, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Vikas Bhandekar
Criado por Vikas Bhandekar mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Challenges
    1. Experience
      1. 0-3 years
        1. Easy to learn new Skills and Technology
        2. >7 years
          1. Need Case study for this group
          2. 3-6 years
            1. Reluctance to change
        3. Utilization
          1. Non-Billable
            1. Dev and Team Only
            2. Billable
              1. Types Of Projects
                1. Dev Team Only
                  1. Test Team Only
                    1. Freedom To Choose
                    2. Dev and Team Only
                      1. Freedom To Choose
                        1. PreAssesment & Classify The Batches
                          1. Class Room Trainings
                            1. Virtual Sessions
                              1. Periodic Assesments
                                1. Dummy Projects/Shadowings
                      2. L & C
                        1. Madatory Dev Ops E-learning Course
                        2. Staffing
                          1. Atrirtion 10 to 15%
                            1. Backfill with DevOps Resources
                            2. Campaingns
                              1. E-mails
                                1. Talent
                                  1. TechFiesta
                                    1. Yammer
                                      1. ScreenSavers
                                        1. Stalls
                                          1. Banners
                                          2. Organizational Assesment
                                            1. Quaterly Assesments Through Icompass
                                              1. Measure Progress With Prior Assesments
                                                1. Take Decision & Revised Action Plan


                                            João Barros
                                            Tech Terms
                                            Jessica Carew Kr
                                            DevOps Glossary
                                            Ronak Sharma
                                            Application Monitoring
                                            S McG
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                                            Palácio das Memórias (técnica em 05 etapas) - SEJA O MESTRE DO SEU PALÁCIO
                                            Períodos da História do Brasil
                                            GoConqr suporte .
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                                            John Lennon Santos Valença
                                            Direito Eleitoral - Cartões para Memorização
                                            Silvio R. Urbano da Silva
                                            PODERES ADMINIS- TRATIVOS
                                            Mateus de Souza