Memory Strategies


lizbeth rosete moreno
Mapa Mental por lizbeth rosete moreno, atualizado more than 1 year ago
lizbeth rosete moreno
Criado por lizbeth rosete moreno quase 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Memory Strategies
  1. Memory and Retrieval of InformationHave you ever spent hours studying only to have difficulty remembering information during the exam?
    1. This is a common occurrence among students, and it is to transfer information emory.
      1. In order to be able to remember what you are studying you must use strategies that help you actively “work material, e.g. organizing, repeating information, and quizzing yourself.
    2. Once encoded, information is transferred into your IM where the information that you are currently thinking about is stored.
        1. Sensory MemoryYour senses are always busy –numerous stimuli are constantly bombarding the sensory receptors in your eyes, nose, ears, tongue, and skin.
          1. Research has shown that humans can only pay attention to one cognitively demanding task at a time. Imagine if your brain gave full attention to every smell or sound detected by a receptor. You would never be able to concentrate!
          2. .Long-Term Memory (LTM)After being processed in the Working Memory, information is transferred to the Long-Term Memory.
          3. Featured below are some simple strategies that, if practiced, will help you retain information and, ultimately,do well on exams.Spaced PracticeSpaced practice is the opposite of cramming
            1. Break Tasks DownBreaking tasks down complements Spaced Practice. Instead of cramming by studying all material during one long study session, studyonly one or two chapters during shorter, spaced study periods. This practice will help you stay focused because you do not feel rushed to learn all of the material at one time.
            2. Rehearsal StrategiesRehearsal means practicing the material until it is learned. This is a very necessary component of studying.
              1. Examples: *Reading over the material a few times *Repeating the information over and *Copying the material several timesUseful for: °Recalling short lists °Easy-to-recall informationMisuse Alert °Low-level rehearsal is not very useful many college-level courses. oThe amount of material and the difficulty level necessitate the use ofhigh-level rehearsal strategies. °If you do not understandthe material, low-level rehearsal will not help you remember it.
                1. Examples: *Outlining *Predicting test questions *Creating: oChartsoConcept mapsoSelf-testsoStudy Sheets °Explaining material Useful for: °Making material meaningful to you °Remembering difficult or complex materialWhy High-Level Rehearsal Works °When using highstrategies, you are working on the material by:oIdentifying what you know and what you need to work onoOrganizing the material in a meaningful wayoCreating additional cues that can help you locate the material in your long-term memory


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