

Post 2. L12. Jesica Uribe’s mindmap.
Jesica Uribe
Mapa Mental por Jesica Uribe, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jesica Uribe
Criado por Jesica Uribe mais de 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Destruction of large tracts of green areas as as the trees are cut down for wood or burned to clear the land for farming.
    1. Predictions
      1. Global warming will not be controlled because there will be no forests.
        1. Many species of plants and animals will become extinct because of damage to their habitats.
          1. Several areas will be deserts because of logging and burning of trees.
          2. Solutions
            1. Programs will be implemented to stop the overexploitation of green zones.
              1. Reforestation will be needed to help control damage to the earth.
                1. Each person will plant a tree in their homes


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