doesn't question that his best friend is
wooing for himself after it being said by
a jealous liar
"There will I shame her"
fell for DJ's trick
can't talk to her about it, he has
to destroy her without her side of
the story
"yet sinn'd I not
But in mistaking"
Claudio doesn't apologise
when he finds out he was
wrong about hero and that
she has died
he just says that he did nothing
wrong apart from mistaking hero
for someone else even though at
this point he thinks she is dead and
that he killed her
End of act 1 scene 1 (making of plans
for DP to woo H for C) "she shall be
thine" (DP)
can't even woo by himself,
needs somebody to do it for
"make thee a
double dealer"
jokes about Beatrice
being unfaithful to
"rotten orange"
serves to
condemn the
expiration of
hero's worth
"what a hero hadst thou
be if halve thy outward
graces had been placed
about thy thoughts and
councils of the heart"
what a hero you would have
been if half of your outward
behaviour was what was going
on in your heart
laced with sarcasm
establishing the
condition of
"Dian in her orb"
"more intemperate
in your blood than
allusion suggests that it is right to be
like Dian and wrong to be like Venus