Social problems


Paula García - 1002
Paula Garcia
Mapa Mental por Paula Garcia, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Paula Garcia
Criado por Paula Garcia mais de 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Social problems
  1. Poverty is another important factor to mention, since it is estimated that more than 21 million people in Colombia live in poverty, that is, almost half of Colombians and 7.47 million in extreme poverty of which the covid has contributed to its increase.
    1. Unemployment, of course, has always been there, but with the virus, many people lost their jobs and therefore do not have enough money to meet their basic needs to live.
      1. One of the problems that are most seen in these times is health, since due to covid-19 many people have died leaving their loved ones in mourning. Basically, this virus paralyzed the whole world and more social problems arose.
        1. Low academic performance, this may be because the students do not have access to the internet, technological implements, they do not have the resources, or they lost interest in learning, in my case I turned in the work late because for a moment I lost the motivation to continue but I am already recovering from that.
          1. Depression and anxiety, this is because people have stress, fears and anguish when they are locked up, they do not know how much this is going to end or what is going to happen later, all this causes them concern and damages their mental health, although it can also happen due to other factors.
            1. Family problems, since people have to spend more time together, when it was not like that before, so they cannot stand each other, they have no tolerance and this generates physical, verbal, psychological violence, aggression and compulsive behaviors.


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