Elements of the Novel Harry Potter


Book Project Mind Map example
Lauren Schmidt
Mapa Mental por Lauren Schmidt, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Lauren Schmidt
Criado por Lauren Schmidt mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Elements of the Novel Harry Potter
  1. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer Stone
    1. Setting
      1. Place: Hogwarts and Surrey, England
        1. Time: Not specific/ Modern
        2. Characters
          1. Harry Potter
            1. Courageous/ Leadership
            2. Ron Weasley
              1. Loyalty/ Companionship
              2. Hermione Granger
                1. Intellect/ Concern
              3. Theme
                1. Value of Humility
                  1. How is it brought out in book? Harry and his friends always try to do what is right.
                  2. Main Conflict
                    1. Cause-- Voldemort killed Harry's parents and failed to kill Harry when he was a baby. Which nearly destroyed Voldemort, so he needs the stone to rise again.
                      1. Conflict-- Harry tries to stop Voldemort from stealing the Sorcerer's stone


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