Green/Gene Revolution


A-Levels Geography (The Technological Fix) Mapa Mental sobre Green/Gene Revolution, criado por Jodie Goodacre em 03-11-2013.
Jodie Goodacre
Mapa Mental por Jodie Goodacre, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jodie Goodacre
Criado por Jodie Goodacre quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Green/Gene Revolution
  1. The challenge of feeding increasing numbers of people in the developing world has been the target of large-scale technological fixes
    1. The green revolution of the 1960s and the Gene Revolution of the 1990s both sought to bring about a dramatic rise in food production
      1. Developing world farmers were encouraged to leapfrog from centuries-old farming systems into a high-tech world
        1. Green Revolution
          1. In the green revolution high-yielding varieties of crops such as rice and wheat were selectively bred (hybridised) from thousands of varieties to increase yields.
            1. In order to achieve maximum yields a new farming system involving fertilisers, irrigation and pesticides had to be adopted
              1. Research institutes such as the international rice research institute, funded by donors such as the Ford, Rockefeller and gates foundations
                1. The first crop, a rice varitety known as IR8, was dubbed 'miracle rice'. Other varieties replaced IR8 as it was found to succumb to diseases and pests
                  1. HYV rice is grown extensively in Asia.
                    1. HYV wheat is grown in Latin America.
                      1. Very few HYV crops have succeeded in Africa
                        1. Rapid-growing varieties of rice allow two crops per year, with yields up to 10 times those for traditional rice
                          1. HYVs are now bred to be resistant to pests and diseases such as the stem borer and blast disease
                            1. HYV rice allowed India to become self-sufficient in rice by 1980
                              1. Yields of wheat, rice and maize grew by over 2% per year between 1967 and 1996
                                1. Although yield growth slowed to 1-1/5% between 1997 and 2006
                                2. Gene Revolution
                                  1. The gene revolution is based on genetically modified varieties of cotton, rice, maize and soybean
                                    1. The DNS of the crop is altered by genetic engineering to produce new characteristics such as tolerance to drought and resistance to pesticides, herbicides and pests
                                    2. The two revolutions involved different technologies, and also have different origins and geographies


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