(7) A revolution in welfare, housing, education and economy under labour 1945-1950?


A level British History (Labour, Attlee 1945-51) Mapa Mental sobre (7) A revolution in welfare, housing, education and economy under labour 1945-1950?, criado por Marcus Danvers em 04-11-2013.
Marcus  Danvers
Mapa Mental por Marcus Danvers, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Marcus  Danvers
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Resumo de Recurso

(7) A revolution in welfare, housing, education and economy under labour 1945-1950?
  1. Conservative feeling over reform
    1. Conservative started process of reform
      1. Butler act 1944
        1. Child tax credit 1945
        2. But many polices would be alien to conservative ideas
          1. Nationalisation
            1. Profitable Iron and steel
            2. NHS
          2. Labour party fellin over reform
            1. The left felt betrayed over education not banning private school, and also felt betrayed over not siding with the soviets in the cold war
            2. Labour party reform were revolutionaly
              1. Education
                1. Tripartied system
                  1. Grammer increasted social mobility
                  2. Dumping ground for average intellegents people in secondary moderns
                  3. NHS
                    1. Free at the point of need
                      1. Huge taxation burden
                      2. Housing
                        1. 750,000 house
                          1. Low quality prefabe
                          2. Economy
                            1. 20% nationalisation
                              1. railway badly need investment good for them
                              2. Non beliver runing nationalisted industrly
                              3. National insurance / assistance
                                1. Start of modern welfare state
                                  1. pay out where 1/3 below beveridge proposal


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