WJEC G4: Energy


summary of unit content
Joanne Edgar
Mapa Mental por Joanne Edgar, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Joanne Edgar
Criado por Joanne Edgar mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

WJEC G4: Energy
  1. 1.3 sustainable energy & management
    1. energy efficiency
      1. demand reduction
        1. do nothing approach
          1. find alternatives
          2. 1.2 changing demand
            1. demand changes inc what this energy is used for
              1. spatial & temporal differences in demand
                1. how we are meeting the demands (energy supply sources eg foss fuel; nuc; renew's)
                  1. consumption patterns are influenced by a range of factors
                  2. 1.1 probs associated with energy supply
                    1. location of supply
                      1. technological issues
                        1. economic issues
                          1. political issues
                            1. enviro issues
                              1. amount of available reserves
                                1. INTRODUCTION:
                                  1. classifying energy
                                    1. stock vs flow
                                      1. renewable and non renewable
                                        1. primary vs secondary energy
                                    2. 1.4 the future
                                      1. maintaining a sustainable supply
                                        1. same old solutions?
                                          1. carrot or stick
                                          2. radical
                                            1. penalty vs incentive


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