Volume Units


a simple mind mapping for the US volume units
John Kamal
Mapa Mental por John Kamal, atualizado more than 1 year ago
John Kamal
Criado por John Kamal mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Volume Units
  1. Minim (min) ≈ 1 drop or 0.95 grain of water
    1. Fluid dram (fl dr) = 60 min


      • to convert from (min) to (fl dr), you divide by 60 and to convert from (fl dr) to (min), you multiply by 60
      1. Teaspoon (tsp) = 80 min


        • to convert from (min) to (tsp), you divide by 80 and to convert from (tsp) to (min), you multiply by 80
        • to convert from (tsp) to (fl dr), you multiply by 1.333 and to convert from (fl dr) to (tsp), you multiply by 0.75
        1. Tablespoon (Tbsp) = 3 tsp = 4 fl dr = 240 min


          • to convert from (min) to (Tbsp), you divide by 240 and to convert from (Tbsp) to (min), you multiply by 240
          • to convert from (tsp) to (Tbsp), you divide by 3 and to convert from (Tbsp) to (tsp), you multiply by 3
          • to convert from (fl dr) to (Tbsp), you divide by 4 and to convert from (Tbsp) to (fl dr), you multiply by 4
          1. US fluid ounce (fl oz) = 2 Tbsp = 6 tsp = 8 fl dr = 480 min = 1.0408 UK fl oz


            • to convert from (min) to (fl oz), you divide by 480 and to convert from (fl oz) to (min), you multiply by 480
            • to convert from (Tbsp) to (fl oz), you divide by 2 and to convert from (fl oz) to (Tbsp), you multiply by 2
            • to convert from (tsp) to (fl oz), you divide by 6 and to convert from (fl oz) to (tsp), you multiply by 6
            • to convert from (fl dr) to (fl oz), you divide by 8 and to convert from (fl oz) to (fl oz), you multiply by 8
            1. US shot (jig) = 1.5 fl oz = 3 Tbsp = 9 tsp = 12 fl dr = 720 min


              • to convert from (jig) to (fl oz), you divide by 1.5 and to convert from (fl oz) to (jig), you multiply by 1.5
              • to convert from (Tbsp) to (jig), you divide by 3 and to convert from (jig) to (Tbsp), you multiply by 3
              • to convert from (tsp) to (jig), you divide by 9 and to convert from (jig) to (tsp), you multiply by 9
              • to convert from (fl dr) to (jig), you divide by 12 and to convert from (jig) to (fl dr), you multiply by 12
              • to convert from (min) to (ijg), you divide by 720 and to convert from (jig) to (min), you multiply by 720
              1. US gill (gi) = 2.666 jig = 4 fl oz = 8 Tbsp = 24 tsp = 32 fl dr = 1920 min


                • to convert from (jig) to (gi), you divide by 2.666 and to convert from (gi) to (jig), you multiply by 2.666
                • to convert from (fl oz) to (gi), you divide by 4 and to convert from (gi) to (fl oz), you multiply by 6
                • to convert from (Tbsp) to (gi), you divide by 8 and to convert from (gi) to (Tbsp), you multiply by 8
                • to convert from (tsp) to (gi), you divide by 24 and to convert from (gi) to (tsp), you multiply by 24
                • to convert from (fl dr) to (gi), you divide by 32 and to convert from (gi) to (fl dr), you multiply by 32
                • to convert from (min) to (gi), you divide by 1920 and to convert from (gi) to (min), you multiply by 1920
                1. US cup (cp) = 2 gi = 5.332 jig = 8 fl oz = 16 Tbsp = 48 tsp = 64 fl dr = 3840 min


                  • to convert from (gi) to (cp), you divide by 2 and to convert from (cp) to (gi), you multiply by 2
                  • to convert from (jig) to (cp), you divide by 5.332 and to convert from (cp) to (jig), you multiply by 5.332
                  • to convert from (fl oz) to (cp), you divide by 8 and to convert from (cp) to (fl oz), you multiply by 8
                  • to convert from (Tbsp) to (cp), you divide by 16 and to convert from (cp) to (Tbsp), you multiply by 16
                  • to convert from (tsp) to (cp), you divide by 48 and to convert from (tsp) to (cp), you multiply by 48
                  • to convert from (fl dr) to (cp), you divide by 64 and to convert from (cp) to (fl dr), you multiply by 64
                  • to convert from (min) to (cp), you divide by 3840 and to convert from (cp) to (min), you multiply by 3840
                  1. US pint (pt) = 2 cp = 4 gi = 10.664 jig = 16 fl oz = 32 Tbsp = 96 tsp = 128 fl dr = 7680 min = 16.65 UK fl oz


                    • to convert from (cp) to (pt), you divide by 2 and to convert from (pt) to (cp), you multiply by 2
                    • to convert from (gi) to (cp), you divide by 4 and to convert from (pt) to (gi), you multiply by 4
                    • to convert from (jig) to (pt), you divide by 10.664 and to convert from (pt) to (jig), you multiply by 10.664
                    • to convert from (fl oz) to (pt), you divide by 16 and to convert from (pt) to (fl oz), you multiply by 16
                    • to convert from (Tbsp) to (pt), you divide by 32 and to convert from (Tbsp) to (pit), you multiply by 32
                    • to convert from (tsp) to (pt), you divide by 96 and to convert from (pt) to (tsp), you multiply by 96
                    • to convert from (fl dr) to (pt), you divide by 128 and to convert from (pt) to (fl dr), you multiply by 128
                    • to convert from (min) to (pt), you divide by 7680 and to convert from (pt) to (min), you multiply by 7680
                    1. US quart (qt) = 2 pt = 4 cp = 8 gi = 21.328 jig = 32 fl oz = 64 Tbsp = 192 tsp = 256 fl dr = 15360 min


                      • to convert from (pt) to (qt), you divide by 2 and to convert from (qt) to (pt), you multiply by 2
                      • to convert from (cp) to (qt), you divide by 4 and to convert from (qt) to (cp), you multiply by 4
                      • to convert from (gi) to (qt), you divide by 8 and to convert from (qt) to (gi), you multiply by 8
                      • to convert from (jig) to (qt), you divide by 21.328 and to convert from (qt) to (jig), you multiply by 21.328
                      • to convert from (fl oz) to (qt), you divide by 32 and to convert from (qt) to (fl oz), you multiply by 32
                      • to convert from (Tbsp) to (qt), you divide by 64 and to convert from (qt) to (Tbsp), you multiply by 64
                      • to convert from (tsp) to (qt), you divide by 192 and to convert from (qt) to (tsp), you multiply by 192
                      • to convert from (fl dr) to (qt), you divide by 256 and to convert from (qt) to (fl dr), you multiply by 256
                      •  to convert from (min) to (qt), you divide by 15360 and to convert from (qt) to (min), you multiply by 15360
                      1. US gallon (gal) = 4 qt = 8 pt = 16 cp = 32 gi = 85.312 jig = 128 fl oz = 256 Tbsp = 768 tsp = 1024 fl dr = 61440 min = 231 cu in


                        • to convert from (qt) to (gal), you divide by 4 and to convert from (gal) to (qt), you multiply by 4
                        • to convert from (pt) to (gal), you divide by 8 and to convert from (gal) to (pt), you multiply by 8
                        • to convert from (cp) to (gal), you divide by 16 and to convert from (gal) to (cp), you multiply by 16
                        • to convert from (gi) to (gal), you divide by 32 and to convert from (gal) to (gi), you multiply by 32
                        • to convert from (jig) to (gal), you divide by 85.312 and to convert from (gal) to (jig), you multiply by 85.312
                        • to convert from (fl oz) to (gal), you divide by 128 and to convert from (gal) to (fl oz), you multiply by 128
                        • to convert from (Tbsp) to (gal), you divide by 256 and to convert from (gal) to (Tbsp), you multiply by 256
                        • to convert from (tsp) to (gal), you divide by 768 and to convert from (gal) to (tsp), you multiply by 768
                        • to convert from (fl dr) to (gal), you divide by 1024 and to convert from (gal) to (fl dr), you multiply by 1024
                        • to convert from (min) to (gal), you divide by 61440 and to convert from (gal) to (min), you multiply by 61440
                        • to convert from (cu in) to (gal), you divide by 231 and to convert from (gal) to (cu in), you multiply by 231
                        1. Barrel (bbl) = 31.5 gal = 126 qt = 252 pt = 504 cp = 1008 gi = 2687.328 jig = 4032 fl oz = 8064 Tbsp = 24192 tsp = 31941 fl dr = 1935360 min = 0.5 hogshead


                          • to convert from (gal) to (bbl), you divide by 31.5 and to convert from (bbl) to (gal), you multiply by 31.5
                          • to convert from (qt) to (bbl), you divide by 126 and to convert from (bbl) to (qt), you multiply by 126
                          • to convert from (pt) to (bbl), you divide by 252 and to convert from (bbl) to (pt), you multiply by 252
                          • to convert from (cp) to (bbl), you divide by 504 and to convert from (bbl) to (cp), you multiply by 504
                          • to convert from (gi) to (bbl), you divide by 1008 and to convert from (bbl) to (gi), you multiply by 1008
                          • to convert from (jig) to (bbl), you divide by 2687.328 and to convert from (bbl) to (jig), you multiply by 2687.328
                          • to convert from (fl oz) to (bbl), you divide by 4032 and to convert from (bbl) to (fl oz), you multiply by 4032
                          • to convert from (Tbsp) to (bbl), you divide by 8064 and to convert from (bbl) to (Tbsp), you multiply by 8064
                          • to convert from (tsp) to (bbl), you divide by 24192 and to convert from (bbl) to (tsp), you multiply by 24192
                          • to convert from (fl dr) to (bbl), you divide by 31941 and to convert from (bbl) to (fl dr), you multiply by 31941
                          • to convert from (min) to (bbl), you divide by 1935360 and to convert from (bbl) to (min), you multiply by 1935360
                          • to convert from (hogshead) to (bbl), you divide by 0.5  and to convert from (bbl) to (hogshead), you multiply by 0.5
                          1. Oil barrel (bbl) = 42 gal = 168 qt = 336 pt = 672 cp = 1344 gi = 3583.104 jig = 5376 fl oz = 10752 Tbsp = 32256 tsp = 43008 fl dr = 2580480 min = 0.666 hogshead


                            • to convert from (gal) to (bbl), you divide by 42 and to convert from (bbl) to (gal), you multiply by 42
                            • to convert from (qt) to (bbl), you divide by 168 and to convert from (bbl) to (qt), you multiply by 168
                            • to convert from (pt) to (bbl), you divide by 336 and to convert from (bbl) to (pt), you multiply by 336
                            • to convert from (cp) to (bbl), you divide by 672 and to convert from (bbl) to (cp), you multiply by 672
                            • to convert from (gi) to (bbl), you divide by 1344 and to convert from (bbl) to (gi), you multiply by 1344
                            • to convert from (jig) to (bbl), you divide by 3583.104 and to convert from (bbl) to (jig), you multiply by 3583.104
                            • to convert from (fl oz) to (bbl), you divide by 5376 and to convert from (bbl) to (fl oz), you multiply by 5376
                            • to convert from (Tbsp) to (bbl), you divide by 10752 and to convert from (bbl) to (Tbsp), you multiply by 10752
                            • to convert from (tsp) to (bbl), you divide by 32256 and to convert from (bbl) to (tsp), you multiply by 32256
                            • to convert from (fl dr) to (bbl), you divide by 43008 and to convert from (bbl) to (fl dr), you multiply by 43008
                            • to convert from (min) to (bbl), you divide by 2580480 and to convert from (bbl) to (min), you multiply by 2580480
                            1. Hogshead = 63 gal = 252 qt = 504 pt = 1008 cp = 2016 gi = 5374.656 jig = 8064 fl oz = 16128 Tbsp = 48384 tsp = 64512 fl dr = 3870720 min = 8.421875 cu ft


                              • to convert from (gal) to (hogshead), you divide by 63 and to convert from (hogshead) to (gal), you multiply by 63
                              • to convert from (qt) to (hogshead), you divide by 252 and to convert from (hogshead) to (qt), you multiply by 252
                              • to convert from (pt) to (hogshead), you divide by 504 and to convert from (hogshead) to (pt), you multiply by 504
                              • to convert from (cp) to (hogshead), you divide by 1008 and to convert from (hogshead) to (cp), you multiply by 1008
                              • to convert from (gi) to (hogshead), you divide by 2016 and to convert from (hogshead) to (gi), you multiply by 2016
                              • to convert from (jig) to (hogshead), you divide by 5374.656 and to convert from (hogshead) to (jig), you multiply by 5374.656
                              • to convert from (fl oz) to (hogshead), you divide by 8064 and to convert from (hogshead) to (fl oz), you multiply by 8064
                              • to convert from (Tbsp) to (hogshead), you divide by 16128 and to convert from (hogshead) to (Tbsp), you multiply by 16128
                              • to convert from (tsp) to (hogshead), you divide by 48384 and to convert from (hogshead) to (tsp), you multiply by 48384
                              • to convert from (fl dr) to (hogshead), you divide by 64512 and to convert from (hogshead) to (fl dr), you multiply by 64512
                              • to convert from (min) to (hogshead), you divide by 3870720 and to convert from (hogshead) to (min), you multiply by 3870720
                              • to convert from (cu ft) to (hogshead), you divide by 8.421875 and to convert from (hogshead) to (cu ft), you multiply by 8.421875


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