North Valley Electric Company Site Visit Report


9th grade IT Explorations (Blackout Project #2) Mapa Mental sobre North Valley Electric Company Site Visit Report, criado por Terri Fletcher em 14-11-2021.
Terri Fletcher
Mapa Mental por Terri Fletcher, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Terri Fletcher
Criado por Terri Fletcher quase 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

North Valley Electric Company Site Visit Report
  1. Site Visit
    1. Wen did the site visit take place?
      1. Why did the site visit take place?
        1. What happened at North Valley Electric Company?
          1. How many customers were affected?
          2. NVEC Network
            1. What is the NVEC network used for?
              1. What system is accessed through this network?
                1. What does the ICS control?
                2. Observations: Identify the eight observations listed in the report. (Summarize, Do Not Copy and Paste!)
                  1. Actions Taken: Identify the five actions listed in the report. (Summarize, Do Not Copy and Paste!)


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