The Heart


Biology Mapa Mental sobre The Heart, criado por waitelisa739 em 10-11-2013.
Mapa Mental por waitelisa739, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por waitelisa739 mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Heart
  1. Heart Disease
    1. Atheroma
      1. A region of plaque in the lining of the CA can lead to (T), (M) + A)
      2. Thrombosis (T)
        1. blood clot
        2. CHD biggest killer in the UK
          1. Aneurysm (A)
            1. Balloon shape in the Coronary Artiery
            2. myocardial infaction (M)
              1. Interputed blood flow
                1. heart attack
                2. Risk Factors
                  1. Smoking
                    1. Carbon monoxide
                      1. Combines with haemoglobin
                        1. reduces amount of blood transported
                        2. Nicotine
                        3. Blood Cholestral
                          1. LDL's
                            1. Mainly triglycerides + cholesterol
                              1. too much will be deposited in damaged coronary arteries
                                1. Leads to a plaque
                              2. HDL's
                                1. High Energy
                                  1. Reduces plaque
                                  2. builds cell membranes
                                  3. High Blood pressure
                                    1. Could be a blockage
                                    2. diet
                                      1. high saturated fat levels
                                        1. high salt levels
                                    3. Structure
                                      1. Coronary arteries and veins
                                        1. Provides the heart with blood
                                        2. Atrium
                                          1. Ventricles
                                            1. Thick muscle than atria as pumps blood longer distance
                                            2. Atrio-ventricular valves
                                              1. Stops blood from flowing back
                                              2. Aorta
                                                1. Carries oxygenated blood to the rest of the body -thick and stretchy and links to the LV
                                                2. Vena Cava
                                                  1. carries deoxygenated blood to the heart and links to RA
                                                  2. Pulmonary vein and artery
                                                    1. PA carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs to be oxygenated, PV carries oxygenated blood to the heart
                                                    2. Cords
                                                      1. to stop the valves folding the wrong way
                                                      2. Semi lunar valves
                                                        1. stops the blood flowing back
                                                      3. Cardiac cycle
                                                        1. Diastole
                                                          1. relaxed
                                                          2. Sistole
                                                            1. contract
                                                            2. 1) SAN cells in top right atrium sends electrical signal for the atria to contract
                                                              1. 2)non conductive layer of tissue stops the transition to the ventricles but it hits the AVN
                                                                1. 3) when it hits it trigger the AVN cells to produce another electrical signal
                                                                  1. 4) down the bundle of His causing the ventricles to contract
                                                            3. Pressure
                                                              1. LV has high presssure needed to pump blood a long distance
                                                              2. Cardiac output
                                                                1. Cardiac output = heart rate x stroke volume
                                                                  1. The volume of blood pumped by one ventricle in one minute
                                                                    1. HR = number of beats per minute
                                                                      1. SV = the volume of blood pumped each heart beat
                                                                        1. increases with exercise (cardiac output)


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