First Solo Flight - Gibbs' Cycle


Mapa Mental sobre First Solo Flight - Gibbs' Cycle, criado por Jwako23 em 15-09-2015.
Mapa Mental por Jwako23, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por Jwako23 mais de 9 anos atrás
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Resumo de Recurso

First Solo Flight - Gibbs' Cycle
  1. Description
    1. Feelings
      1. Evaluation
        1. Analysis
          1. Conclusion
            1. Action Plan
              1. Should have reduced collctive and altitude earlier
                1. Should have lower collective more aggressively as reduced rate of descent when in solo flight due to weight
                  1. Should ensure focus is on the task in hand
                    1. Go over approach process whilst on downwind when less to do
                    2. Change in centre of gravity due to solo
                      1. Reduced rate of decent due to solo
                        1. Busy Aerodrome
                          1. Distractions from task in hand
                          2. Kept Calm at all times
                            1. Overshooting the landing
                              1. Approach was too steep
                                1. Constant 70kts and 700ft in circuit
                                  1. Lower collective to reduce altitude too late
                                  2. Nervous
                                    1. Focused
                                      1. Concentration
                                        1. Confident
                                          1. Proud
                                          2. Action Plan
                                            1. Lower the collective more aggressively and sooner to ensure the altitude is lost toreduce chance of steep approach
                                              1. Go through the process of the approach when in a part of the circuit with less work load
                                                1. Remember to be aware of the change in the centre of gravity and difference it has on the rate of descent.
                                                  1. Focus more on the task at hand
                                                  2. Hover Taxi to the H Contact ATC "Helicentre 19 Ready For Departure"
                                                    1. Wait for clearance - Contact ATC "Helicentre 19 Taking Off"
                                                      1. Enter Transition
                                                        1. Follow Circuit Path Ascending to 700 Feet
                                                          1. Contact ATC when parallel to runway - "Helicentre 19 Downwind"
                                                            1. Turn onto final approach, contact ATC " Helicentre 19 Final to the H"
                                                              1. Land On the H

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