

A mind map of macromolecules for 9th grade biology
Suheyla Kipcakli
Mapa Mental por Suheyla Kipcakli, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Suheyla Kipcakli
Criado por Suheyla Kipcakli mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Carbohydrates
    1. C, H, O !:2:1
      1. Monosaccharides/simple sugars
        1. Glucose
          1. Animal blood
          2. Galactose
            1. Milk
            2. Fructose
              1. Fruit
            3. Disaccharides
              1. Lactose
                1. Glucose
                  1. Galactose
                    1. Milk
                    2. Sucrose
                      1. Glucose
                        1. Fructose
                          1. Plants
                        2. Polysaccharides
                          1. Starch
                            1. Stores glucose in plants
                            2. Cellulose
                              1. Plants walls
                              2. Glycogen
                                1. Stores glucose in animals
                              3. sugars/starches
                              4. monomers link to make polymers
                                1. dehydration synthesis/condensation reaction
                                  1. Water is released
                                  2. Hydrolysis breaks polymers
                                    1. Water is added
                                  3. Lipids
                                    1. do not dissolve in water
                                      1. Functions
                                        1. energy storage
                                          1. cell membranes
                                            1. reactants
                                            2. oils/fats/wax
                                              1. Saturated fats
                                                1. full
                                                2. Unsaturated
                                                  1. not full
                                                  2. Fatty Acids
                                                  3. Proteins
                                                    1. C, H, N
                                                      1. Hair, skin, nails, blood
                                                        1. amino acids
                                                          1. enzymes
                                                          2. Nucleic Acids
                                                            1. Nucleotides
                                                              1. sugar + base + phosphate
                                                                1. DNA
                                                                  1. RNA
                                                                    1. ATP


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