All Grade 7's had iPads that each family had to purchase for their student. IPads were used
everyday and students were expected to do most coursework on their iPad. There were strict rules
in class to put ipads away during instruction. I discussed with the students what they thought of the
ipads and they stated that they felt a bit of an addiction to the games they had and often would
check the games whilee doing work in class. They said they couldn't resist the urges to at least check
the games (like candy crush) and was hard to stay focussed. There were some perks to having the
ipads - like instant communication with students outside of the classroom via email - but I didn't feel
that the iPads increased learning potential for the students but caused more distraction instead.
First Year of Teaching
During my first year of teaching I taught at a school that allowed cell phones and other
devices in class. My biggest struggle throughout the year was trying to get cell phones put
away during class time. I felt as though I could not take them away because I was still
building repore with the students and didn't want to damage the relationships by taking
away their cell phones. The few times I did confiscate the device the students became very
defensive and started showing behavioural issues in class. Also, no other teachers would
take cell phones away from students which made me feel as though I couldn't take them
away either.
Distraction Example: Right before a test I gave 2 periods of review time, one
where I did examples on the board with the students and one for students to
ask questions and study on their own. During the time for independent study,
I saw at one point that all students were on their devices, which upset me as I
felt that they were wasting time in class. The next day when we were
supposed to write the test they all claimed that they were not prepared for
the test and wanted another day of review. I brought up the previous day and
they didn't see any problmes with their behaviour. Students also went to the
principal and he forced me to give them another day of review.
Students consistently showed up to class ill prepared
because they had forgot assignments at home on computer
there or on USB they did not bring to school.
Social Issues
With devices present - bullying is easier
Students feel pressured to use their devices because other students are using theirs (popularity)
Social class - students whose family
struggles financially can feel the social
pressures of not being able to afford what
other students have
Distraction to Students
Most students don't have self control to put down their devices
Social media is addicting
Even if students check their phones for 2
minutes, it is still a disruption to their work time
in class
Technological Issues
Costs a lot of money to fix devices
Students may misuse
technology at school and school
can't afford to replace them
Takes a lot of time to fix devices
Internet Issues
When internet isn't working
causes major disruption to
lesson plans
When students require devices to do their work but servers are
down or are slow and are not able to research
Students forgetting devices or USB's with projects
on them at home and are not able to work in class
Puts financial pressure on families if
students are told to purchase a device
Costs a lot of money for the school to have enough equipment for students
Many school struggle to have one text book per student let alone an electronic piece for each student